Income Tax : Section 194 now exempts tax deduction on dividends to individuals if the total annual dividend does not exceed Rs. 10,000, effecti...
Income Tax : Finance Bill 2025 proposes new TDS thresholds for various sections, including interest, dividends, and commissions, effective Apri...
Income Tax : Updated TDS Rate Chart for FY 2023-24 (AY 2024-25). Find the latest rates for tax deduction at source for various transactions. Ea...
Income Tax : Gain a comprehensive understanding of Tax Deducted At Source (TDS) provisions under the Income Tax Act, 1961. Explore key sections...
Income Tax : TDS Rate Chart for FY 2023-2024 (AY 2024-2025) – Get complete details on Budget 2023 Amendments, Nature of Payment & Threshold L...
Income Tax : Explore Budget 2024's new tax provisions on income from buy-back of shares for domestic companies. Learn how these changes impact ...
Income Tax : Karnataka High Court held that interest under section 201 of the Income Tax Act and late filing fee under section 234E leviable fo...
Income Tax : ITAT Pune held that the DTAA does not get triggered at all when a domestic company pays DDT u/s. 115O of the Income Tax Act. In nu...
Income Tax : Gujarat High Court rules in favor of Bharti Airtel Ltd, stating distributor discounts are not subject to TDS under Section 194 of ...
Income Tax : ITAT Kolkata rules service tax collected for rendering services does not form part of gross receipts under Sec 44BBA, benefiting C...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad rules accepting stamp authority valuation is not proof of incorrect sale consideration, removing penalty under Sect...
Karnataka High Court held that interest under section 201 of the Income Tax Act and late filing fee under section 234E leviable for non-deduction of TDS from sale consideration paid to Bengaluru Development Authority [BDA] for allotment of made by BDA.
Section 194 now exempts tax deduction on dividends to individuals if the total annual dividend does not exceed Rs. 10,000, effective April 2025.
Finance Bill 2025 proposes new TDS thresholds for various sections, including interest, dividends, and commissions, effective April 1, 2025.
ITAT Pune held that the DTAA does not get triggered at all when a domestic company pays DDT u/s. 115O of the Income Tax Act. In nut-shell, domestic company doesn’t enter domain of DTAA at all.
Explore Budget 2024’s new tax provisions on income from buy-back of shares for domestic companies. Learn how these changes impact shareholders and tax calculations.
Gujarat High Court rules in favor of Bharti Airtel Ltd, stating distributor discounts are not subject to TDS under Section 194 of the Income Tax Act. Read the full judgment here.
ITAT Kolkata rules service tax collected for rendering services does not form part of gross receipts under Sec 44BBA, benefiting Cathay Pacific Airways.
ITAT Ahmedabad rules accepting stamp authority valuation is not proof of incorrect sale consideration, removing penalty under Section 271(1)(c) of the Income Tax Act.
Delhi High Court rules in favor of employee, stating the employer is responsible for TDS deposit. Petitioner exempted from tax liability. Details and analysis here.
NCLT Ahmedabad held that the amount of TDS deducted under section 194-IA on assets sold during the process of liquidation should be returned (refunded) back by income tax department into the account of Corporate Debtor.