Finance : Learn the difference between net worth and capital employed, their formulas, focus areas, and usage in assessing a company's finan...
Finance : Discover the meaning and significance of the CASA (Current Account and Saving Account) ratio in banking and its impact on a bank's...
Finance : Auditors: Learn about the Basics of Auditing and some Important Ratios to understand the changes in business conditions. Get the f...
Finance : Explore the intricate details of the Trading and Profit and Loss Account format in India, governed by the Companies Act, 2013, and...
Finance : CMA Data, short for Credit Monitoring Arrangement Data, is a comprehensive financial statement that provides a detailed analysis o...
Learn the difference between net worth and capital employed, their formulas, focus areas, and usage in assessing a company’s financial health and operations.
Discover the meaning and significance of the CASA (Current Account and Saving Account) ratio in banking and its impact on a bank’s profitability and cost of funds.
Auditors: Learn about the Basics of Auditing and some Important Ratios to understand the changes in business conditions. Get the facts from our post!
Explore the intricate details of the Trading and Profit and Loss Account format in India, governed by the Companies Act, 2013, and ICAI standards. Delve into components, calculations, and vital insights for comprehensive financial reporting and informed decision-making.
CMA Data, short for Credit Monitoring Arrangement Data, is a comprehensive financial statement that provides a detailed analysis of a borrower’s financial standing.
Understand the crucial role of Profit & Loss (P&L) account and Cash Flow statement in analyzing a business’s financial health. Explore insights, identify gaps, and make informed decisions for improved performance.
Unlock the secrets of financial decision-making with a detailed exploration of important ratios and concepts in a company’s balance sheet. From liquidity and solvency ratios to profitability, efficiency, and return on investment metrics, this guide provides valuable insights for assessing a business’s financial health. Explore crucial concepts like working capital, fixed assets, intangible assets, and equity. Make informed judgments with this comprehensive guide.
Discover what a balance sheet is and how its constructed. Learn how this vital financial statement provides insights into a company’s assets, liabilities, and equity, offering a snapshot of its financial health and performance. Source: Financial Reporting Standards
Understand EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Ammortization) – a crucial metric for assessing operating profit. Learn the formula, usage in comparison, and how to calculate EBITDA Margin. Dive into an example to grasp its practical application and importance for evaluating business performance.
Securities are financial instruments that represent ownership or a claim on assets. Valuation of securities is the process of determining the fair value of a security, which is essential for investment decisions. Valuation helps investors to assess the risks and returns associated with a security and make informed investment decisions.