CA, CS, CMA : CA IPC Results of Nov 2013 term declares on 31st Jan, 2014. First of all, many congratulations to all students who passed the exam...
CA, CS, CMA : CA Sandeep Kanoi ICAI has declared the Result of Chartered Accountancy Final Examination held in November 2013 on Wednesday 15th J...
CA, CS, CMA : Stay updated with ICAI BoS Publications for September 2024 exams. Analysis of Foundation and Intermediate course subjects' edition...
Corporate Law : Check pass percentages and course completions for ICMAI Intermediate and Final examinations held in June 2023. Insights into candi...
CA, CS, CMA : Result of Chartered Accountants Final (Old & New scheme) Examination Held in November – 2019 and declared on 16th Januar...
CA, CS, CMA : The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) today announced the results of following examinations held in May/ June, 20...
CA, CS, CMA : Declaration of Result for CA Final Examination held in November, 2017 and CPT held in December, 2017. The Institute of Chartered A...
Stay updated with ICAI BoS Publications for September 2024 exams. Analysis of Foundation and Intermediate course subjects’ editions for exam preparation.
Check pass percentages and course completions for ICMAI Intermediate and Final examinations held in June 2023. Insights into candidates’ performance.
Result of Chartered Accountants Final (Old & New scheme) Examination Held in November – 2019 and declared on 16th January 2020. RESULT OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS FINAL (NEW SCHEME) EXAMINATION HELD IN NOVEMBER – 2019 The result of the Chartered Accountants Final (New Scheme) Examination was declared recently. The details of percentage of candidates passed in […]
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) today announced the results of following examinations held in May/ June, 2019. 1. Chartered Accountants Final Examination (Old & New Syllabus) 2. Foundation Examination Since December 1949, the Chartered Accountancy Examination is held twice in a year in the months of May/June and November/December. Chartered Accountants Final […]
Declaration of Result for CA Final Examination held in November, 2017 and CPT held in December, 2017. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) today announced the following results: Chartered Accountants Final Examination held in November, 2017. Common Proficiency Test (CPT) held in December, 2017. Since December 1949, the Chartered Accountancy Examination is held […]
Result – Region wise Notifications CPT December 2015 Central Eastern Northern Overseas Southern Western Final November 2015 Central Eastern Northern Overseas Southern Western Source- ICAI
CA IPC Results of Nov 2013 term declares on 31st Jan, 2014. First of all, many congratulations to all students who passed the exam. Few days ago, CA Final results shows sharp decrease in the passing % and those results was lowest among last 22 terms. A discussion were picking the pace that a strict screening of the students should be made at the entry level itself. Before the results of IPC, it was a prediction that numbers may be on a lower side.
CA Sandeep Kanoi ICAI has declared the Result of Chartered Accountancy Final Examination held in November 2013 on Wednesday 15th January 2014. Of the 32,536 candidates (both groups) who appeared for the final exam, the number of those who passed both groups in this attempt stood at only 1013, resulting in a pass percentage of […]
The result of the Chartered Accountants Final Examination held in May, 2013 and Common Proficiency Test (CPT) held in June, 2013 are likely to be declared on Tuesday, the 16th July, 2013around 2.00 P.M. and the same as well as the merit list (candidates securing a minimum of 55% and above marks and upto the […]
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) announced the results of PCC & IPCC examinations held in May, 2011. The toppers of PCC examination held in May, 2011 are from Chennai, Mumbai and district Satara located in Maharashtra. This shows that even the country side regions are also not untouched by the reach of this profession.