Income Tax : Learn steps for calculating and paying advance tax for corporates, due dates for instalments and penalties for delayed payments u...
Income Tax : Discover the risks and penalties of submitting fake rent receipts to claim HRA exemptions and learn how to comply with tax regulat...
Income Tax : Learn how to calculate advance tax, payment deadlines, and exemptions. Find the steps for online payment and consequences of non-p...
Income Tax : Discover penalties and prosecutions under the Income Tax Act, 1961, including default conditions, quantum of penalties, and potent...
Income Tax : Understand when to pay advance tax, the due dates, and the consequences of late payments, including interest charges under section...
Income Tax : Request to CBDT to permit filing of Form 10IC after expiration of time limit by condoning delay Issuance of Order under Section ...
Income Tax : All Odisha Tax Advocates Association has filed an PIl before Orissa High Court with following Prayers- (i) Admit the Writ Petition...
Income Tax : At the end of May the Income Tax Return forms are released for the Assessment Year 2015-16 and same been held back by finance mini...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad grants relief to Ria Zaveri Trust, ruling that excessive surcharge imposed by CIT(A) was unjustified. Decision alig...
Income Tax : Assessee had given cash to her employee who was the supervisor or the agent who in turn made payment to the sellers of the gold an...
Income Tax : Assessee submitted share valuation report which was not as per rule 11UA but valuation of shares was done as per 'Adjusted Net Ass...
Income Tax : ITAT Jodhpur ruled in favor of Arun Agarwal, allowing exemption under Section 54B for agricultural land sale, emphasizing that par...
Income Tax : ITAT, by going through established precedents, held that AO had not recorded any dissatisfaction with assessee’s voluntary disal...
ITAT Ahmedabad remands Amod Steel case after non-appearance due to communication sent to a former accountant’s email, impacting the appeal process.
Tribunal ruled that the deduction was valid under Section 43B, as the payments were made in the relevant assessment year after the disputes were settled through the amnesty schemes.
ITAT Ahmedabad affirms CIT(A)’s deletion of ₹12.92 crore tax addition under Section 40A(3), relying on past gross profit rates and valid agricultural purchases.
ITAT Ahmedabad held that services do not qualify as Fee for Technical Services [FTS] under India-Netherlands tax treaty since department failed to demonstrate that technology was ‘make available’ to recipient of services.
ITAT Jaipur held that disallowance of cash payment under section 40A(3) of the Income Tax Act deleted since genuineness of the transactions and the payment and identity of the receiver are established. Accordingly, appeal allowed.
ITAT Ahmedabad held that addition towards unexplained cash credit under section 68 of the Income Tax Act not justified since loan transactions were done through banking channels and loans were repaid in short period. Accordingly, addition deleted.
ITAT Ahmedabad allows Pankajkumar Patel’s appeal for statistical purposes, remanding unexplained investment case to AO for reconsideration under Section 69A.
ITAT remands the matter of unsecured loan addition to CIT(A) for fresh consideration after non-admittance of evidence in the case of Amitkumar Patel.
ITAT Ahmedabad directs AO to grant Section 115BAA benefits and rectify ITR errors for Zodiac Energy Limited for AY 2021-22.
ITAT Mumbai held that in the matter of adjustment of seized cash against self-assessment tax liability restored the matter back to file of AO for re-verification of application filed by the assessee. Accordingly, appeal partly allowed.