Income Tax : Learn about the key exemptions available for capital gains under different sections like 54, 54B, 54D, 54EC, and more. Understand ...
Income Tax : A guide on Income Computation and Disclosure Standards (ICDS) and its reconciliation with Accounting Standards (AS) for taxable in...
Income Tax : Explore provisions under the Income-tax Act for computing business income, including various chargeable incomes and accounting met...
Income Tax : Learn key details about ICDS including its scope, applicability to contracts, and disclosure requirements under different ICDS sta...
Income Tax : As per Ind AS, all forwards contracts in foreign currency needs to be marked to market at exchange rate as on the day of closing o...
Income Tax : Technical Guide on Income Computation and Disclosure Standards The Ministry of Finance vide Notification No. 87/2016 dated 29.09.2...
Income Tax : The draft ICDS on Real Estate Transactions along with the significant changes suggested in ICDS vis-à-vis the Guidance Note issue...
Income Tax : This Income Computation and Disclosure Standard shall be applicable for determination of income from all forms of transactions in...
CA, CS, CMA : The Central Government had, vide Notification No.S.O.892(E) dated 31.3.2015, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 145(2)...
Income Tax : 1. This Income Computation and Disclosure Standard deals with provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets, except tho...
Income Tax : Read the full text of ITAT Hyderabad's order in Pennar Industries Ltd vs DCIT case for A.Y.2018-19. Unbilled revenue cannot be con...
Income Tax : The notification notifying ICDS is contrary to the settled law since its implementation would nullify the judgements of the Suprem...
Income Tax : Section 145 (2), as amended, has to be read down to restrict power of the Central Government to notify ICDS that do not seek to ov...
Income Tax : Mr Ganesh states that although at this stage he is not pressing for any ad interim directions, the requirement for compliance of t...
Income Tax : After notification of ICDS, it has been brought to the notice of CBDT by stakeholders that certain provisions of ICDS may require ...
Income Tax : CBDT has vide notification No. 87/2016 notifies following income computation and disclosure standards applicable from A.Y. 2017-18...
Income Tax : Central Government hereby rescinds the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue, ...
Income Tax : Notification No. 32/2015 - Income Tax Central Government hereby notifies the income computation and disclosure standards as speci...
Corporate Law : Section 13 of the Special Economic Zones Act, 2005 – Constitution of Approval Committee for such SEZ notified during 2006 to...
The entities entering into foreign exchange transactions are exposed to foreign exchange risk i.e. risk that the exchange rate of the transactional currency may change which may lead to foreign exchange loss to such entities at the time of their realization or restatement.
A company is eligible for a non-export incentive. It has during FY 2017-18, complied with the criteria of reasonable certainty for receiving a non-export incentive. The company the same in books as per accounting standards.
ICDS Income Tax is not meant for maintenance of books of accounts or preparation of financial statements. Persons are required to maintain books and prepare financial statements as per accounting policies applicable to them. Companies are required to maintain books of account and prepare financial statements as per requirements of Companies Act 2013.
The journey of ICDS has been an interesting roller coaster ride – first introduced, then deferred, then partly struck down by Delhi High Court and now with a re-birth under the Act, that too with retrospective effect from AY 2017-18.
In the year 2012, the then Government had introduced retrospective amendments to the Indian Income- tax Act in order to nullify the decision rendered by the Apex Court in the case of Vodafone International Holdings B.V. vs Union of India with regard to taxation of indirect transfer of shares.
India Inc. was promised that the government will be staying away from resorting to any retrospective amendment. Conversely, the Finance Bill 2018, has proposed various retrospective amendments to Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Act) for adopting several provisions of Income Computation and Disclosure Standards (ICDS) which are poles apart from the settled principles of law as […]
In order to bring certainty in the wake of recent judicial pronouncements on the issue of applicability of ICDS, it is proposed to — (i) amend section 36 of the Act to provide that marked to market loss or other expected loss as computed in the manner provided in income computation and disclosure standards notified under sub-section (2) of section 145, shall be allowed deduction.
The notification notifying ICDS is contrary to the settled law since its implementation would nullify the judgements of the Supreme Court and the High Courts. This method of overriding the binding decision of Courts by the executive was contrary to law explained in Shri Prithvi Cotton Mills Limited v. Broach Borough Municipality (1969) 2 SCC 283.
In order to bring clarity and uniformity in computation of income from real estate transactions, CBDT introduced draft ICDS on Real Estate Transactions in May 2017 which is largely driven by ICAI’s Guidance Note on real estate transactions.
The power under Section 145 (2) of the Act cannot permit changing the basic principles of accounting that have been recognized in various provisions of the Act unless of course corresponding amendments are carried out to the Act itself.