Corporate Law : Understand the applicability, compliance, penalties, and best practices of the POSH Act for Private Limited Companies in India wit...
CA, CS, CMA : Check the December 2024 due date calendar for various tax and compliance obligations, including GST, Income Tax, ESI, and Providen...
Company Law : Understand stamp duty rules on share transfers in demat form for private limited companies. Covers legal framework, rates, respons...
Income Tax : Convert your company into an LLP before 31st March 2025 to carry forward business losses for 8 years. Act now before the tax benef...
Company Law : MCA clarifies demat rules for Non-Small Private Companies, including ISIN delays and share allotment procedures. Compliance requir...
Corporate Law : Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs Scheme of Special Micro-Credit Facility launched for Street Vendors – Striving towar...
Company Law : In this flash editorial author discusses the provisions of liability of directors after strike off of Company or winding up of Com...
Company Law : Article discusses Time Period for Filing of Appeal in National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) against the order of adjudic...
Corporate Law : In this editorial author discusses Judgment National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) in the case of Steamline Industries L...
Corporate Law : The 'I&B Code' is a complete Code by itself. The provision of the Power of Attorney Act, 1882 cannot override the specific provisi...
Corporate Law : Whether Corporate Debtor can bar the NCLT to accept the petition of Operational Creditor by raising a dispute on the Demand Notice...
Ministry of Corporate Affairs has recently between 1st January, 2019 to 28th February, 2019 issued approximately 13 amendment notification / Circulars under Companies Act, 2013. These are Eight Notifications related to Amendments in Rules, Three other Notifications, One Circular and Companies Amendment (Ordinance) 2019. Most Important things about these notifications/ amendments is that for these amendments […]
As per section 560 of the Companies Act, 1956, Registrar of Companies may strike off the name of companies on satisfying the conditions therein.As per Section 560, a company desirous of getting its name struck off has to apply to Registrar of companies in e-form 61. All pending statutory returns are required to be filed along with e-form 61. (This language was mentioned in MCA circular no 36/2011 dated 07th June, 2011.)
Article compiles filing requirement with due date, fees, penalty and applicability of MSME-1 (Initial Return)- Every Outstanding to MSME more then 45 days as on 22.01.2019, DPT-3 – Details of outstanding Loan/ receipt of money as on 22.01.2019, DIR-3 KYC – Every Person holding DIN as on 31.03.2019, INC-22A (ACTIVE)– Every Company Incorporated before 31/12/2017 […]
MCA on 21st February, 2019, came out with draft of Companies (Incorporation) Amendment Rules, 2019. These rules shall come into force from 25th February, 2019. A new Rule 25A inserted after Rule 25. A New Form 22A (e-form Active) Introduced. In this Flash Editorial author begins by discussion on the provisions of e-form Active (its […]
We have received queries / questions many persons Like: Professionals / corporate on subject ‘Who is eligible to do valuation of Securities under Companies Act or Income Tax Act?‘ There is difference in views of professionals, business entities even authorities on above mentioned question. In below mentioned editorial author will discuss provision of Valuation in […]
Significant Beneficial Ownership (SBO) MCA on 15th February, 2018, came out with draft of Companies (Beneficial Interest and Significant Beneficial Interest) Rules, 2018 On June 13, 2018, MCA issued the Companies (Beneficial Interest and Significant Beneficial Interest) Rules, 2018 (‘Final Rules’) and enforced section 90 of the Amendment Act On February 08, 2019, MCA issued […]
Process of Incorporation has been amended more than 10 times since Effectiveness of Companies Act, 2013. Similarly much compliance has been decreased and increased by amendments in Companies Act by Circulars, Notifications and amendment in Rules in respect of Post Incorporation of Compliances.
In this Article author analyses provisions of Deposit and applicability of provisions of Deposit Rules including Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Amendment Rules, 2019 and Sections on NBFC Companies. Whether as per Latest Deposit Rules NBFC or Banking Companies are also required to file e-form DPT-3 with ROC? Legislative Language: As per Section 73(1) States “On […]
In this article author discusses the followings: – Agenda for First Board Meeting – Draft of Notice, Agenda, Minutes etc. LEGISLATION LANGUAGE: √ As per Section 173(1) ‘Every company shall hold the first meeting of the Board of Directors within 30 (thirty) days of the date of its incorporation.’ √ Companies have to follow Secretarial […]
In this spark editorial, the author begins by referring the provisions of section 73 of Companies Act, 2013 relating to Acceptance of Deposit by Companies. Author shall Shed Some Light on sources of permissible deposits, limits of deposits, provisions of deposits, compliances for acceptance of such deposits etc.