Income Tax : Learn key tax rulings on Section 54/54F exemptions for property sales, including land size, appurtenant land, property use, and ag...
Income Tax : Capital gain is considered as the gain/profit on sale of property which is arrived at by deducting the Purchase Price from its Sal...
Income Tax : Telangana HC clarified that capital gains tax applies only when ownership or possession is transferred along with consideration....
Income Tax : Understand the changes to the Cost Inflation Index for FY 2024-25, including indexation removal on long-term capital gains and new...
Income Tax : Budget 2025 proposes amending Section 2(14) to redefine capital assets, classifying securities held by specific funds and non-exem...
Income Tax : Govt rationalizes long-term capital gains tax, reducing rates to 12.5% and simplifying holding periods. Relief provided for pre-Ju...
Income Tax : Finance Bill 2024 amends Section 55 to include fair market value for unlisted shares in IPOs. Changes apply retroactively from Apr...
Income Tax : The Finance Bill 2024 proposes a streamlined and rationalized taxation system for capital gains, with changes including reduced ho...
Income Tax : From April 1, 2025, Section 47 will exclude transfers of capital assets under gifts or wills from capital gains tax, with specific...
Corporate Law : Finance Ministry's new capital gains tax: Short-term gains at 20%, long-term at 12.5%. Exemption limit raised to ₹1.25 lakh for ...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi's ruling in Mahavir Prasad Gupta vs. JCIT (AY 1997-98) addresses Section 54F exemption, long-term capital gains, and in...
Income Tax : ITAT Chandigarh held that treating capital gains earned on sale of shares as bogus merely on the basis of warning letter of SEBI w...
Income Tax : ITAT Surat rules that for capital gains tax on agricultural land, municipal limits are determined by notification in force at the...
Income Tax : ITAT Bangalore ruled on the taxability of Transferable Development Rights (TDR) in the case of Smt. Sowmya Sathyan vs. ITO, clarif...
Income Tax : The Ministry of Finance, through the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), issued Notification No. 44/2024-Income-Tax on May 24, 2...
Income Tax : The Government of India in IEBR for FY 2022-23 have not mandated NHAI to raise funds from the market. Therefore. NHAI shall not is...
Income Tax : The Finance Act, 2021 amended clause (10D) of section 10 of the Act by inserting fourth to seventh provisos. Fourth proviso provid...
Income Tax : CBDT vide Notification No. 8/2022-Income tax notifies Rule 8AD Computation of capital gains for the purposes of sub-section (1B) o...
Income Tax : No tax demand shall be raised in future on the basis of the amendment to section 9 of the Income-tax Act made vide Finance Act, 20...
ITAT Delhi’s ruling in Mahavir Prasad Gupta vs. JCIT (AY 1997-98) addresses Section 54F exemption, long-term capital gains, and interest under Sections 234B & 234C.
Learn key tax rulings on Section 54/54F exemptions for property sales, including land size, appurtenant land, property use, and agricultural land considerations.
ITAT Chandigarh held that treating capital gains earned on sale of shares as bogus merely on the basis of warning letter of SEBI without any incriminating material found during course of search demonstrating transaction as bogus is unjustified.
Capital gain is considered as the gain/profit on sale of property which is arrived at by deducting the Purchase Price from its Sale Price and the tax is to be paid on that gain which is termed as Capital Gain tax. There are two types of gains that arise on Sale/transfer of property and those are Short term Capital Gain (STCG) and Long term Capital Gain (LTCG).
Telangana HC clarified that capital gains tax applies only when ownership or possession is transferred along with consideration.
ITAT Surat rules that for capital gains tax on agricultural land, municipal limits are determined by notification in force at the time of sale, not subsequent changes.
ITAT Bangalore ruled on the taxability of Transferable Development Rights (TDR) in the case of Smt. Sowmya Sathyan vs. ITO, clarifying its classification under income tax laws.
ITAT Pune ruled on capital gains in Smt. Vimal Baburao Jadhav Vs ITO. The Tribunal held Section 50C inapplicable, recalculating LTCG based on actual transactions.
Chennai ITAT directs AO to review e-notices and deductions u/s 54 in ₹1.8 crore capital gains case, giving assessee another chance to present evidence.