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CA Manish Garg

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Amnesty Scheme in Rajasthan- Entry Tax

Goods and Services Tax : Rajasthan government has introduced an amnesty scheme related to the outstanding demand of Entry Tax vide Notification No. F.12(17...

March 22, 2015 3585 Views 0 comment Print

Credit of Capital Goods not owned by manufacturer during receipt at factory

Excise Duty : CENVAT rules state that when the capitals goods are used by manufacturer, the taxes paid on the same are allowed as input credit a...

March 15, 2015 2506 Views 0 comment Print

Streamlined and Harsh Penal Provisions under Service Tax

Service Tax : Budget 2015 came with many of the amendment covering the exempt field under tax net. With the implementation of the same the penal...

March 12, 2015 5779 Views 0 comment Print

No solution for bigger industries for easy registration

Service Tax : CA Manish Garg The Hon’ble Finance Minister has announced some drastic changes in the service tax which include the change regar...

March 8, 2015 1620 Views 0 comment Print

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Better Policies required to motivate tax Payers

Finance : What could a common man expect from the budget? Today the central government has tried to collect as much as possible from the poc...

March 7, 2015 3978 Views 0 comment Print

Latest Posts in CA Manish Garg

Amnesty Scheme in Rajasthan- Entry Tax

March 22, 2015 3585 Views 0 comment Print

Rajasthan government has introduced an amnesty scheme related to the outstanding demand of Entry Tax vide Notification No. F.12(17)FD-Tax-2015-240 Dated-18.03.2015, where the dealer/ person can save the interest and penalty on the taxes imposed by the government.

Credit of Capital Goods not owned by manufacturer during receipt at factory

March 15, 2015 2506 Views 0 comment Print

CENVAT rules state that when the capitals goods are used by manufacturer, the taxes paid on the same are allowed as input credit and if the goods as final product are not chargeable to duty then credit is not allowed. Manufacturing industries are working to manufacture the product for the consumption of the consumer requires lot of machines and capital goods for the transportation as well as other purposes.

Streamlined and Harsh Penal Provisions under Service Tax

March 12, 2015 5779 Views 0 comment Print

Budget 2015 came with many of the amendment covering the exempt field under tax net. With the implementation of the same the penalty under the service tax is streamlined along with some harsh measure. Section 80 has been deleted from the book of Finance Act, now even in the case of reasonable cause of mistake service providers has to pay the penalty.

No solution for bigger industries for easy registration

March 8, 2015 1620 Views 0 comment Print

CA Manish Garg The Hon’ble Finance Minister has announced some drastic changes in the service tax which include the change regarding the procedure of registration under service tax for the single premise. As per the new procedure applicants are required to submit their PAN for the registration and person also registered is required to submit […]

Better Policies required to motivate tax Payers

March 7, 2015 3978 Views 0 comment Print

What could a common man expect from the budget? Today the central government has tried to collect as much as possible from the pocket of the consumer. The tax levied by the government is much more as compare to the benefits given by the government.

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