Goods and Services Tax : Madras HC rules failure to register under GST law constitutes deliberate tax evasion. Case highlights tax liability, penalties, an...
Goods and Services Tax : Bombay HC ruled that GST refund deficiencies must be communicated via Form GST RFD-03. Failure to issue it led to the refund appli...
Goods and Services Tax : Supreme Court upholds arrest powers under GST and Customs Acts, ensuring procedural safeguards to prevent misuse. Learn about the ...
Income Tax : Learn key updates in the New Income Tax Bill, 2025, effective April 2026. Covers tax year, compliance, deductions, international t...
Custom Duty : The Union Budget 2025 introduces changes in Customs duties, excise, and tax rates, focusing on tariff rationalization, support for...
Goods and Services Tax : Explore Supreme Court's scrutiny of whether supplying cranes for services like loading, unloading, lifting, and shifting qualifies...
Goods and Services Tax : Explore the case of Pradeep Kanthed v. Union of India where the Supreme Court issues notice to the Finance Ministry regarding the ...
Goods and Services Tax : Commissioner of Central Goods And Service Tax & Ors Vs Safari Retreats Private Limited & Ors (Supreme Court of India) The ...
Goods and Services Tax : The 45th meeting of Goods and Services Tax Council (“GST Council”) is scheduled to be held on September 17, 2021. The Ministry...
Custom Duty, Income Tax : The Karnataka High Court in M/s Pellagic Food Ingredients Private Ltd. v. Union of India [Writ Petition No. 14737/2021[T-CUS] issu...
Goods and Services Tax : Karnataka High Court rules writ petitions cannot challenge tax intimations issued under Section 73(5) of CGST Act before a show ca...
Goods and Services Tax : Madras High Court rules IGST refund cannot be denied for exports qualifying as zero-rated supply, even when higher duty drawback r...
Goods and Services Tax : Delhi High Court rules that GST law does not prohibit fresh registration after cancellation. Assessee granted liberty to reapply u...
Goods and Services Tax : Andhra Pradesh High Court ruled that GST orders issued without a DIN are invalid, citing CBIC Circular and Supreme Court precedent...
Goods and Services Tax : Madras High Court rules that GST paid during detention can be claimed as a refund if excess tax is paid in regular returns. Key in...
Excise Duty : Notification No. 32/2015-Central Excise Dated- 4th June, 2015 Ethanol produced from molasses generated from cane crushed in the ...
Service Tax : Circular No. 184/3/2015-ST Dated the 3rd June, 2015 It is further clarified that exemption from service tax still continues to ser...
Custom Duty : the floods in the State of Jammu and Kashmir (the State) from whole of the duty as specified under the First Schedule and whole of...
Excise Duty : Grants exemption from Basic Excise Duty to goods donated or purchased out of cash donations for the relief and rehabilitation of p...
Custom Duty : New posts have been created in the rank of Commissioners of Customs in DRI and DGCEI for adjudication of cases as investigated by ...
In the Interim Union Budget 2014 on 17th February, 2014, the Government had reduced the Excise duty on: Small cars, motorcycles, scooters, three wheelers and commercial vehicles from 12% to 8%; Mid-segment cars from 24% to 20%; Large cars from 27% to 24%; and SUVs from 30% to 24%. Further, to stimulate growth in the […]
The Government had constituted Tax Administration Reform Commission headed by Dr. Parthasarathi Shome, in August 2013, to suggests core reforms to the tax administration set-up in the Country. The TARC has now submitted a report dated May 30, 2014 called the “First Report of the Tax Administration Reform Commission”. The said report makes several critical and far-reaching suggestions which are intended to radically change the working of the Income-tax and other Revenue departments.
Where assessee had not collected and deposited Service tax but on being pointed out, deposited the same along with Interest, can it be treated as expenditure deductible under Section 37 of the Income Tax Act, 1961?
Whether the Business Auxiliary Services provided to Foreign Principals for marketing their products in India qualify as an export of services under the erstwhile Export of Service Rules, 2005?
We are sharing with you an important judgment of the Hon’ble Mumbai CESTAT in the case of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited Vs. Commissioner of Central Excise, Mumbai-II [2014-TIOL-658-CESTAT-MUM] on the following issue: Issue-: Whether the test of unjust enrichment satisfied where the claimant has treated refund amount as ‘expenditure’ and not as ‘claims receivable’?
Dominant nature test” or overwhelming component test or the degrees of labour and service test are really not applicable. If the contract is a composite one which falls under the definition of Works contracts as engrafted under clause (29A)(b) of Article 366 of the Constitution, the incidental part as regards labour and service pales into total insignificance for the purpose of determining the nature of the contract.
Service Tax paid after March 1, 2013 but before enactment of VCES on May 10, 2013 – Should be considered as paid under VCES We are sharing with you an important judgment of the Hon’ble Gujarat High Court in the case of Sadguru Construction Co. Vs. Union of India on the following issue: Issue: Whether […]
It is held by the Hon’ble High Court of Calcutta that the amendment brought vide the Finance Act, 2013 does not have any retrospective effect, therefore, question of bailability and non-bailability almost comes to a point of merger, benefit of which should be extended to accused person.
Whether the option is available to the assessee either to avail the exemption notification or to pay duty on the final products by taking Modvat credit on inputs in terms of Rule 57A of the erstwhile Central Excise Rules, 1944 (“the Excise Rules”)?
The Hon’ble Delhi CESTAT held that though the services have been performed in India but these services being Business Auxiliary Services covered by Section 65 (105) (zzb) read with Section 65 (19) of the Finance Act, are in respect of the business of the Appellant’s principal located abroad. The services being provided by the Appellant are obviously meant for and are used by GAP International for their business.