The TDS payment challan PDF to Excel conversion and consolidation tool simplifies the process of converting TDS challan PDFs into Excel format. This tool is compatible with Excel 2019, 2021, and Office 365 versions only. To use the tool, save the challan PDFs in a separate folder and copy the folder location (using Alt+D, Ctrl+C) before pasting it into the designated yellow cell (C3) in the Excel tool. Click on the “Convert” button or use the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+F5 to refresh all. The tool efficiently converts data from the first 10 PDFs in the folder into Excel within seconds, streamlining data management and ensuring quick access to organized information. This tool is ideal for users seeking a fast and reliable method to handle multiple TDS challans, providing a seamless experience in data conversion and consolidation.
Instructions for Using TDS payment challan pdf to Excel conversion and consolidation Tool
1. This tool will not work in older versions of Excel ,It will work in 2019 version, 2021 Version and in Office 365 Version.
2. Save Only Challan pdfs to be converted in a separate folder.
3. Copy the respective folder location (Alt+D)(Ctrl+C) then paste (Ctrl+V) it yellow cell (C3).
4. Finally Click on “Convert” button or Click on Refresh All(CTRL+ALT+F5).
5. Speciality of this tool is With in a few seconds you can Convert data from First 10 pdfs in a folder into Excel data.