Form 61- Statement containing particulars of declaration received in Form No. 60 under rule (1) of rule 114D of Income Tax Rules, 1962
Form 61B – Statement of Reportable Account under sub-section (1) section 285BA of the Income-tax Act, 1961 under sub-rule (8) of rule 114G of Income Tax Rules, 1962
Form 15CC – Quarterly statement to be furnished by an authorised dealer in respect of remittances under rule 37BB of Income Tax Rules, 1962
Page Contents
User Manual –Registration, Upload & View – Form 61, Form 61B & Form 15CC
Users who has already registered in e-Filing portal can use this functionality to generate ITDREIN (Income Tax Department Reporting Entity Identification Number) and upload certain forms in e-Filing portal using the generated ITDREIN.
ITDREIN is the Unique ID issued by ITD which will be communicated by ITD after the registration of the reporting entity with ITD. The ITDREIN is a 16-character identification number in the format XXXXXXXXXX.YZNNN where
XXXXXXXXXX PAN or TAN of the reporting entity
Y Code of Form Code
Z Code of Reporting Entity Category for the Form Code
NNN Code of sequence number.
ITDREIN Services
The below table provides the services available for ITDREIN Users.
S. N | Services |
1 | Upload and View Form 61 |
2 | Upload and View Form 61B |
3 | Upload and View Form 15CC |
Steps to Generate ITDREIN
Step 1 – Login to e-Filing portal using User ID, e-Fiing Password and DOB.
Step 2 – Go to My Account ⇒ Manage ITDREIN.
Step 3 – To generate new ITDREIN click on the button “Generate New ITDREIN”.
Step 4 – A Pop up with Form Type and Reporting Entity Category is displayed. Select the Form Type and Reporting Entity Category from the dropdown.
Step 5 – Based on the Form Type and Reporting Entity Category selected, the ITDREIN will be generated and the user will be able to upload and view the corresponding Form.
Step 6 – Click Generate ITDREIN button
Step 7 – Success Message is displayed as shown below. User receives a confirmation email on successful generation of ITDREIN to the registered Email ID. An SMS is also sent to the registered Mobile number.
Step 8 – On Successful Generation of ITDREIN, the screen is displayed as shown.
Note – If the Form Type is FORM61B, fill in the additional details like GIIN, Reporting Entity Type, Regulator Name, Registration Number and the details of Sponsored Entity or Trustee Documented Trust if applicable and Click on Generate ITDREIN.
Steps to Add Authorised Person
Step 1 – Login to e-Filing portal using User ID, e-Filing Password and DOB. Step 2 – Go to My Account⇒Manage ITDREIN.
Step 3 – To add Authorised Person for the generated ITDREIN, click on the link provided in the ITDREIN Column.
Step 4 – Click on the button Add Authorised Person.
Step 5 – A Pop up with Authorised Person details appears as shown below.
Note – If the Form Type is FORM61B, user needs to select “Authorised Person Type” from the drop down. This field is not available for “Form 61” and “Form15CC”.
Step 6 – Enter all the details and Click on Add Authorised Person button. Success Message is displayed as shown below
Step 7 – User receives a confirmation e-mail on successful Addition of Authorised Person to the registered Email ID. An SMS is also sent to the registered Mobile number
Step 8 – Authorised Person receives a confirmation e-mail with an activation link to the Authorised Person’s Email ID. An SMS along with OTP (One time Password) is sent to the Authorised Person’s Mobile Number.
In order to activate the account, the user should click on the Activation link, enter the Mobile PIN, Password and Confirm Password and click on Activate Button. On success, the user account is activated and the database is updated.
Note – If the Form Type is FORM61B, the Additional details tab will also be displayed along with Authorised Person Details. User can also edit the Additional Details.
Steps to Upload Forms
Step 1 – Login to e-Filing portal using ITDREIN, Authorised Person PAN and Password.
Step 2 – Based on the Form Type and Reporting Entity Category selected during registration, the ITDREIN user will be able to upload and view the corresponding Form.
Step 3 – Go to e-File ⇒Upload Form ZZZ where ZZZ refers to the Form Name for which ITDREIN is generated.
Step 4 – Enter the following details and click on Validate.
Step 5 – On successful validation upload the corresponding ZIP file, generate the Signature file using DSC Management Utility and Click on Upload.
Step 6 – On successful upload user records are captured in the e-Filing system and the below success message must be displayed along with the Transaction ID.
Step 7 – Once uploaded the status of the statement shall be “Uploaded”. The uploaded file shall be processed and validated. Upon validation the status shall be either “Accepted” or “Rejected which will reflect within 24 hours from the time of upload. In case if “Rejected”, the rejection reason shall be available and the corrected statement can be uploaded.
Step 8 – User can view the rejected reason by clicking on the Transaction Number against t
he rejected record.
Steps to View Forms
Step 1 – Login to e-Filing portal using ITDREIN, Authorised Person PAN and Password.
Step 2 – Based on the Form Type and Reporting Entity Category selected during registration, the ITDREIN user will be able to upload and view the corresponding Form.
Step 3 – Go to My Account ⇒ View Form ZZZ where ZZZ refers to the Form Name for which ITDREIN is generated.
Step 4 – Enter the following details and click on View Details.
Step 5 – Click on the Transaction No. Filer can see the below details by clicking on “Transaction No”
√ Financial Year
√ Form Name
√ Half Year/Quarter
√ Status (Accepted / Rejected)
√ XML (In case of Acceptance)
√ Acknowledgement Number (In case of Acceptance)
√ Receipt
√ Rejection Reason (In case of rejection)
Disclaimer: The contents of this article are for information purposes only and does not constitute advice or a legal opinion and are personal views of the author. It is based upon relevant law and/or facts available at that point of time and prepared with due accuracy & reliability. Readers are requested to check and refer to relevant provisions of statute, latest judicial pronouncements, circulars, clarifications etc before acting on the basis of the above write up. The possibility of other views on the subject matter cannot be ruled out. By the use of the said information, you agree that Author / TaxGuru is not responsible or liable in any manner for the authenticity, accuracy, completeness, errors or any kind of omissions in this piece of information for any action taken thereof. This is not any kind of advertisement or solicitation of work by a professional.
(Republished with Amendments by Team Taxguru)
Every tax payer has to file form 60, 61 which is showing in 26as column E of 26AS INTEREST on time deposit / time depositing exceeding ten lakh.. But individual tax payer has no digital signature etc. Please give detail on this.
I want to know about new 26AS format statement of financial tranctions -005 Shows Time deposit approx. Rs.30/- lakh limit is Rs.10lakh/- in 26AS column of 26AS. E , THIS AFT- 005 SHOWS MIXED TRANSATIONS for F.Y. 2018-19 , A.Y.2019-20 ITE FOR THAT YEAR FINALISED & REFUND HAS BEEN ISSUED TO ME.THIS SFT-005 UPLOADED DURING THE MONTH JUNE 2020 IN 26AS COULMN SECTION -E
How to change authorised person details from principal officer to Designated Director?
Please tell what to fill in Statement Number in Part A of Form 61.
original statement no 0
download utitlity validate it will prepare zip
statement no 2016/01
itd rein register use bulk upload
Yes, there is a utility in the Income Tax website under Downloads section, under ‘Forms other than ITR’.
And there is a utility for DSC also.
However, I am not sure about the details to be filled in certain fields in the Form 61 utilty. Like, the Original statement ID and the Statement Number. Can anybody please tell me what number do we fill in these fields?
Thank you
I am to know that, how to prepare the attachment file in ZIP to be uploaded at the STEP 5 above? Is there any utility to prepare the file form-61 to be uploaded with data collected from form-60 ? Is thare any DCS is required to be obtain for the person uploding the data
All other steps like registration, outhorisation etc. are understood. only Step-5 is confusing..
Please clarify the matter…I am in official capacity to upload form 61….