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Article explains clause wise statutory provisions of Section 140 – Transitional arrangements for input tax credit, Section 141 – Transitional provisions relating to job work, Section 142 – Miscellaneous Transitional provisions.

Transitional Provision
Section 140 – Transitional arrangements for input tax credit
140(1) A registered person, other than a person opting to pay tax under composition scheme (section 10), shall be entitled to take, in his electronic credit ledger, the amount of CENVAT credit carried forward in the return relating to the period ending with the day immediately preceding the appointed day, furnished by him under the existing law in such manner as may be prescribed:
Conditions Provided that the registered person shall not be allowed to take credit in the following circumstances, namely:—
(i) where the said amount of credit is not admissible as input tax credit under this Act; or
(ii) where he has not furnished all the returns required under the existing law for the period of six months immediately preceding the appointed date; or
(iii) where the said amount of credit relates to goods manufactured and cleared under such exemption notifications as are notified by the Government.
140(2) A registered person, other than a person opting to pay tax under composition scheme (section 10), shall be entitled to take, in his electronic credit ledger, credit of the unavailed CENVAT credit in respect of capital goods, not carried forward in a return, furnished under the existing law by him, for the period ending with the day immediately preceding the appointed day in such manner as may be prescribed:
140(3) A registered person, who was not liable to be registered under the existing law, or
who was engaged in the manufacture of exempted goods or provision of exempted services, or
who was providing works contract service and was availing of the benefit of notification No. 26/2012—Service Tax, dated the 20th June, 2012 or
a first stage dealer or a second stage dealer or
a registered importer or
a depot of a manufacturer,
shall be entitled to take, in his electronic credit ledger, credit of eligible duties in respect of inputs held in stock and inputs contained in semi-finished or finished goods held in stock on the appointed day subject to the following conditions, namely:––
Conditions (i) such inputs or goods are used or intended to be used for making taxable supplies under this Act;
(ii) the said registered person is eligible for input tax credit on such inputs under this Act;
(iii) the said registered person is in possession of invoice or other prescribed documents evidencing payment of duty under the existing law in respect of such inputs;
(iv) such invoices or other prescribed documents were issued not earlier than 12 months immediately preceding the appointed day; and
(v) the supplier of services is not eligible for any abatement under this Act:
rules: center If no such duty paid document is there:  Such credit shall be allowed at the rate of 40% [forty per cent.] of the central tax applicable on supply of such goods after the appointed date and shall be credited after the central tax payable on such supply has been paid. The scheme shall be available for six tax periods from the appointed date.
rules: state A registered person, holding stock of goods which have suffered tax at the first point of their sale in the State and the subsequent sales of which are not subject to tax in the State availing credit in accordance with the proviso to sub-section (3) of section 140 shall be allowed to avail input tax credit on goods held in stock on the appointed day in respect of which he is not in possession of any document evidencing payment of value added tax.
Conditions for both rules: (i) Such goods were not wholly exempt from duty of excise specified in the First Schedule to the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985 or were not nil rated.
(ii) Document for procurement of such goods is available with the registered person.
(iii) Registered person availing this scheme and having furnished the details of stock held by him in accordance with the provisions of clause (b) of sub-rule (2) of rule 1, submits a statement in FORM GST TRAN at the end of each of the six tax periods during which the scheme is in operation indicating therein the details of supplies of such goods effected during the tax period.
(iv) The amount of credit allowed shall be credited to the electronic credit ledger of the applicant maintained in FORM GST PMT-2 on the Common Portal.
(v) The stock of goods on which the credit is availed is so stored that it can be easily identified by the registered person.
140(4) If a registered person, who was engaged in the manufacture of taxable as well as exempted goods under the Central Excise Act, 1944 or provision of taxable as well as exempted services under Chapter V of the Finance Act, 1994, but which are liable to tax under this Act,
shall be entitled to take, in his electronic credit ledger,—
(a) the amount of CENVAT credit carried forward in a return furnished under the existing law by him in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1); and
(b) the amount of CENVAT credit of eligible duties in respect of inputs held in stock and inputs contained in semi-finished or finished goods held in stock on the appointed day, relating to such exempted goods or services, in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (3).
140(5) If duty is paid under existing law, but the services are received after the apointed day, Credit shall be taken if the invoice is recorded in the books of such person within 30 days from the appointed day.
140(6) A registered person, who was either paying tax at a fixed rate or paying a fixed amount in lieu of the tax payable under the existing law shall be entitled to take, in his electronic credit ledger, credit of eligible duties in respect of inputs held in stock and inputs contained in semi-finished or finished goods held in stock on the appointed day subject to the following conditions, namely:––
Conditions (i) such inputs or goods are used or intended to be used for making taxable supplies under this Act;
(ii) the said registered person is not paying tax under composition scheme;
(iii) the said registered person is eligible for input tax credit on such inputs under this Act;
(iv) the said registered person is in possession of invoice or other prescribed documents evidencing payment of duty under the existing law in respect of inputs; and
(v) such invoices or other prescribed documents were issued not earlier than 12 months immediately preceding the appointed day.
140(7) ITC on any services received prior to the appointed day by an Input Service Distributor shall be eligible for distribution as credit under this Act even if the invoices relating to such services are received on or after the appointed day.
140(8) If a registered person having centralised registration under the existing law has obtained a registration under this Act, such person shall be allowed to take, in his electronic credit ledger, credit of the amount of CENVAT credit carried forward in a return, furnished under the existing law by him, in respect of the period ending with the day immediately preceding the appointed day.
Note: such credit may be transferred to any of the registered persons having the same Permanent Account Number for which the centralised registration was obtained under the existing law.
140(9) Where any CENVAT credit availed for the input services provided under the existing law has been reversed due to non-payment of the consideration within a period of 3 months, such credit can be reclaimed subject to the condition that the registered person has made the payment of the consideration for that supply of services within a period of 3 months from the appointed day.
140(10) the expression “eligible duties and taxes” means––
(i) the additional duty of excise leviable under section 3 of the Additional Duties of Excise (Goods of Special Importance) Act, 1957;
(ii) the additional duty leviable under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975;
(iii) the additional duty leviable under sub-section (5) of section 3 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975;
(iv) the additional duty of excise leviable under section 3 of the Additional Duties of Excise (Textile and Textile Articles) Act, 1978;
(v) the duty of excise specified in the First Schedule to the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985;
(vi) the duty of excise specified in the Second Schedule to the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985;
(vii) the National Calamity Contingent Duty leviable under section 136 of the Finance Act, 2001; and
(viii) the service tax leviable under section 66B of the Finance Act, 1994,
in respect of inputs and input services received on or after the appointed day.
Rule: Every registered person entitled to take credit of input tax under section 140 shall, within 60 days of the appointed day, submit an application electronically in FORM GST TRAN-1, duly signed, on the Common Portal specifying therein, separately, the amount of tax or duty to the credit of which the said person is entitled under the provisions of the said section.
Transitional Provision
Section 141 – Transitional provisions relating to job work
141(1) Where any inputs received at a place of business had been removed as such or removed after being partially processed to a job worker for further processing, testing, repair, reconditioning or any other purpose in accordance with the provisions of existing law prior to the appointed day and such inputs are returned to the said place on or after the appointed day, no tax shall be payable if such inputs, after completion of the job work or otherwise, are returned to the said place within 6 months from the appointed day. Such period can be extended by commissioner for the further period not exceeding 2 months.
141(2) Where any semi-finished goods had been removed from the place of business to any other premises for carrying out certain manufacturing processes in accordance with the provisions of existing law prior to the appointed day and such goods (hereafter in this section referred to as “the said goods”) are returned to the said place on or after the appointed day, no tax shall be payable, if the said goods, after undergoing manufacturing processes or otherwise, are returned to the said place within 6 months from the appointed day. Such period can be extended by commissioner for the further period not exceeding 2 months.
Also the manufacturer may, in accordance with the provisions of the existing law, transfer the said goods to the premises of any registered person for the purpose of supplying therefrom on payment of tax in India or without payment of tax for exports within the period 6 months.
141(3) Where any excisable goods manufactured at a place of business had been removed without payment of duty for carrying out tests or any other process not amounting to manufacture, to any other premises, whether registered or not, in accordance with the provisions of existing law prior to the appointed day and such goods, are returned to the said place on or after the appointed day, no tax shall be payable if the said goods, after undergoing tests or any other process, are returned to the said place within six months from the appointed day. Such period can be extended by commissioner for the further period not exceeding 2 months.
Also the manufacturer may, in accordance with the provisions of the existing law, transfer the said goods to the premises of any registered person for the purpose of supplying therefrom on payment of tax in India or without payment of tax for exports within the period 6 months.
141(4) The tax under sub-sections (1), (2) and (3) shall not be payable, only if the manufacturer and the job worker declare the details of the inputs or goods held in stock by the job worker on behalf of the manufacturer on the appointed day in such form and manner and within such time as may be prescribed.
Transitional Provision
Section 142 – Miscellanous Transitional provisions.
142(1) Where any goods on which duty, if any, had been paid under the existing law at the time of removal thereof, not being earlier than 6 months prior to the appointed day, are returned to any place of business on or after the appointed day, the registered person shall be eligible for refund of the duty paid under the existing law where such goods are returned by a person, other than a registered person, to the said place of business within a period of 6 months from the appointed day and such goods are identifiable to the satisfaction of the proper officer. Provided that if the said goods are returned by a registered person, the return of such goods shall be deemed to be a supply.
142(2) (a) In pursuance of a contract entered into prior to the appointed day, the price of any goods or services or both is revised upwards on or after the appointed day, the registered person who had removed or provided such goods or services or both shall issue to the recipient a supplementary invoice or debit note, containing such particulars as may be prescribed, within 30 days of such price revision and for the purposes of this Act such
supplementary invoice or debit note shall be deemed to have been issued in respect of an outward supply made under this Act.
142(2) (b) In pursuance of a contract entered into prior to the appointed day, the price of any goods or services or both is revised downwards on or after the appointed day, the registered person who had removed or provided such goods or services or both may issue to the recipient a credit note, containing such particulars as may be prescribed, within thirty days of such price revision and for the purposes of this Act such credit note shall be deemed to have been issued in respect of an outward supply made under this Act. Provided that the registered person shall be allowed to reduce his tax liability on account of issue of the credit note only if the recipient of the credit note has reduced his input tax credit corresponding to such reduction of tax liability.
142(3) Every claim for refund filed by any person before, on or after the appointed day, for refund of any amount of CENVAT credit, duty, tax, interest or any other amount paid under the existing law, shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of existing law and any amount eventually accruing to him shall be paid in cash, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained under the provisions of existing law other than the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 11B of the Central Excise Act, 1944. Provided that where any claim for refund of CENVAT credit is fully or partially rejected, the amount so rejected shall lapse. Provided further that no refund shall be allowed of any amount of CENVAT credit where the balance of the said amount as on the appointed day has been carried forward under this Act.
142(4) Every claim for refund filed after the appointed day for refund of any duty or tax paid under existing law in respect of the goods or services exported before or after the appointed day, shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of the existing law.
142(5) Every claim filed by a person after the appointed day for refund of tax paid under the existing law in respect of services not provided shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of existing law and any amount eventually accruing to him shall be paid in cash, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained under the provisions of existing law other than the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 11B of the Central Excise Act, 1944.
142(6) (a) Every proceeding of appeal, review or reference relating to a claim for CENVAT credit initiated whether before, on or after the appointed day under the existing law shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of existing law, and any amount of credit found to be admissible to the claimant shall be refunded to him in cash, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained under the provisions of existing law other than the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 11B of the Central Excise Act, 1944 and the amount rejected, if any, shall not be admissible as input tax credit under this Act. Provided that no refund shall be allowed of any amount of CENVAT credit where the balance of the said amount as on the appointed day has been carried forward under this Act.
142(6) (b) Every proceeding of appeal, review or reference relating to recovery of CENVAT credit initiated whether before, on or after the appointed day under the existing law shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of existing law and if any amount of credit becomes recoverable as a result of such appeal, review or reference, the same shall, unless recovered under the existing law, be recovered as an arrear of tax under this Act and the amount so recovered shall not be admissible as input tax credit under this Act.
142(7) (a) Every proceeding of appeal, review or reference relating to any output duty or tax liability initiated whether before, on or after the appointed day under the existing law, shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of the existing law, and if any amount becomes recoverable as a result of such appeal, review or reference, the same shall, unless recovered under the existing law, be recovered as an arrear of duty or tax under this Act and the amount so recovered shall not be admissible as input tax credit under this Act.
142(7) (b) Every proceeding of appeal, review or reference relating to any output duty or tax liability initiated whether before, on or after the appointed day under the existing law, shall be disposed of in accordance with the provisions of the existing law, and any amount found to be admissible to the claimant shall be refunded to him in cash, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained under the provisions of existing law other than the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 11B of the Central Excise Act, 1944 and the amount rejected, if any, shall not be admissible as input tax credit under this Act.
142(8) (a) where in pursuance of an assessment or adjudication proceedings instituted, whether before, on or after the appointed day, under the existing law, any amount of tax, interest, fine or penalty becomes recoverable from the person, the same shall, unless recovered under the existing law, be recovered as an arrear of tax under this Act and the amount so recovered shall not be admissible as input tax credit under this Act.
142(8) (b) where in pursuance of an assessment or adjudication proceedings instituted, whether before, on or after the appointed day, under the existing law, any amount of tax, interest, fine or penalty becomes refundable to the taxable person, the same shall be refunded to him in cash under the said law, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the said law other than the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 11B of the Central Excise Act, 1944 and the amount rejected, if any, shall not be admissible as input tax credit under this Act.
142(9) (a) where any return, furnished under the existing law, is revised after the appointed day and if, pursuant to such revision, any amount is found to be recoverable or any amount of CENVAT credit is found to be inadmissible, the same shall, unless recovered under the existing law, be recovered as an arrear of tax under this Act and the amount so recovered shall not be admissible as input tax credit under this Act;
142(9) (b) where any return, furnished under the existing law, is revised after the appointed day but within the time limit specified for such revision under the existing law and if, pursuant to such revision, any amount is found to be refundable or CENVAT credit is found to be admissible to any taxable person, the same shall be refunded to him in cash under the existing law, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the said law other than the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 11B of the Central Excise Act, 1944 and the amount rejected, if any, shall not be admissible as input tax credit under this Act.
142(10) Save as otherwise provided in this Chapter, the goods or services or both supplied on or after the appointed day in pursuance of a contract entered into prior to the appointed day shall be liable to tax under the provisions of this Act.
142(11) (a) notwithstanding anything contained in section 12, no tax shall be payable on goods under this Act to the extent the tax was leviable on the said goods under the Value Added Tax Act of the State.
142(11) (b) notwithstanding anything contained in section 13, no tax shall be payable on services under this Act to the extent the tax was leviable on the said services under Chapter V of the Finance Act, 1994;
142(11) (c) where tax was paid on any supply both under the Value Added Tax Act and under Chapter V of the Finance Act, 1994, tax shall be leviable under this Act and the taxable person shall be entitled to take credit of value added tax or service tax paid under the existing law to the extent of supplies made after the appointed day and such credit shall be calculated in such manner as may be prescribed.
142(12) Where any goods sent on approval basis, not earlier than 6 months before the appointed day, are rejected or not approved by the buyer and returned to the seller on or after the appointed day, no tax shall be payable thereon if such goods are returned within 6 months from the appointed day. Such period can be extended by commissioner for the further period not exceeding 2 months.
142(13) Where a supplier has made any sale of goods in respect of which tax was required to be deducted at source under any law of a State or Union territory relating to Value Added Tax and has also issued an invoice for the same before the appointed day, no deduction of tax at source under section 51 shall be made by the deductor under the said section where payment to the said supplier is made on or after the appointed day.


Author Bio

I, CA Crispee Shah Morakhiya, have completed my CA in 2011 and also completed CS in 2015. Practising as Chartered Accountant only. View Full Profile

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  1. Shubham Kumar says:

    Mam, Please provide same things in hindi language small businessman/ Practitioner in small cities or rural areas not able to understand all about GST Regime or Trans rule, So kindly provide same as in hindi language.
    Thanking you

  2. mukesh says:

    Thank you ~ Thanks for the efforts to organize it section wise and heads clearly stating its impact in lucid language. The tabulation is just marvelous.

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