Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi
Trade Notice No. 11 /2014, dated 7th August, 2014
All RAs of DGFT
Members of Trade
Export Promotion Councils
Subject: Review of SIONs A-1443, A-1170, A-3627 and K-134
Reference is invited to the above mentioned SIONs suspended vide PN No. 30 dated 4th October, 2013 and reinstated with amendments in SIONs A-3627 and K-134 vide PN No. 66 dated 11th July 2014, based on representations received from trade and industry. It has been proposed to further review these SIONs in terms of para 4.10.1 of FIBP vl.
2. Manufacturers of export products covered under SIONs A-1 170, A-3627 , K-134 and SION A-1443 (instead of SION A-1143 mentioned in PN 30 dated 4.10.13), and the concerned Export Promotion Councils/Associations are requested to submit production and consumption data for further review of these SIONs as soon as possible but not later than Wednesday, the 27th of August, 2014. Failure to provide the data, so required by the specified date would result in stoppage of the benefit of Advance Authorization / DFIA for export products covered by these SIONs and the SIONs would be modified based on available data.
(Akash T neja)
Joint Director General of Foreign Trade
Tel: 011-23061562-217
(Issued from F.No.01/83/171/00162/AM14/DES-1V)