Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi
Trade Notice No. 7 dated 10th March, 2011
Members of Trade/All RA’s
Subject : Allocation of quantities of cotton yarn for export in terms of Policy Circular No.17 dated 10th February 2011.
Policy Circular No. 17(RE-2010)/2009-14 dated 10.02.2011 had stated that the declaration of allocation of quantities against the confirmations received from applicants who had experience of exporting cotton yarn during 2009-2010 will be made expeditiously.
2. The Annexure to this Trade Notice contains the allocation of 50 million kgs of cotton yarn. The fractional numbers, in the annexed allocations will be rounded off at the time of issue of export licences, in order to ensure commercially meaningful transaction.
3. The allottees should submit documents as specified in para 3(iii)(a)(b)&(c) of policy circular 15 of 1st February 2011 to concerned RA for grant of export license. This process should be completed by 18th March 2011 as the last date for export under these licences is 31st March 2011.
4.All conditions in policy circular no 15 of 1st February 2011 will continue to apply, except the specification about dates and the calendar given in Annexure 2 thereof since the allocation is being made today (10th March 2011 and not on 10th February 2011). Special attention be paid to para 3(iv) & (v).
5. Last date for export continues to be 31st March 2011.
6. List of 363 applicants arranged alphabetically with IEC Code and quantity allocated (27 pages) is enclosed as an annexure to this Trade Notice(AnnexureR.doc)
(Hardeep Singh)
Joint Director General of Foreign Trade
(F.No : 01/91/180/1843/AM11/EC)