Commissioner of Customs (General), JNCH, has issued Public Notice No. 11/2025 regarding the implementation of the Sea Cargo Manifest and Transshipment Regulations (SCMTR). Following CBIC Circular No. 02/2025-Customs, the SCMTR has been extended to all Customs Ports beyond the nine previously notified ports, including Mumbai, Kandla, and Cochin. Mandatory SAM message filing in the new format began on January 16, 2025. To address challenges faced during the initial phase, SCMTR implementation has been extended with an interim measure to ensure smooth EXIM operations without penalizing trade. Weekly outreach programs are held every Friday at 12:00 PM at JNCH, Nhava Sheva, until March 31, 2025, to resolve stakeholder concerns. Difficulties can be reported to the SCMTR Cell at JNCH or ICEGATE Helpdesk via email.
DIN No. 20250178NU000011111B
Public Notice No. 11/2025 | Date: 24-01-2025
Subject: Implementation of the Sea Cargo Manifest and Transshipment Regulations (SCMTR) -reg.
Reference is invited to the CBIC’s Circular No.02/2025-Customs dated 17.01.2025 regarding the Implementation of the Sea Cargo Manifest and Transshipment Regulations (SCMTR). Attention is also invited to the Notification No. 57/2024-Customs (N.T.) dated 31st August, 2024 whereby phase-wise implementation of SCMTR at various ports was notified. The SCMTR was implemented after extensive consultation with trade and all stakeholders. Accordingly, SCMTR was rolled out at Nine (9) Sea ports namely Morniugalore (INMRM1), Mangalore (INNML I), Mumbai (INBOMI), Kandla (INIXY1), Tuticorin ( I N TUT1 ), Vishakhapatnam (INVTZ1), Ennore (INENR I), Kattupalli (INKAT1) and Cochin (INCOK1).
2. Further, the Board vide Notification No. 02/2025-Customs (N.T.) dated 15.01.25 extended the implementation of the Sea Cargo Manifest and Transshipment Regulations (SCMTR) to 03.25 for all the Customs Ports other than ports mentioned above. However, it may kindly be noted that the SAM Message filing in NEW FORMAT has been made mandatory w.e.f 16.01.2025.
3. Further, the implementation of SCMTR has been extended a s interim measure considering the issues faced by trade on filing of certain SCMTR messages. The extension of SCMTR with additional time frame has been done with the intention that there is smooth EXIM operation and trade does not gets penalized during the initial phase of implementation. Accordingly, it is advised that the electronic filing of messages should be done in the format as prescribed in SCMTR during this time frame also.
4. Weekly outreach programs will be conducted regularly by JNCH, Nhava Sheva for resolution of issues faced by Stakeholders for smooth implementation of SCMTR on every Friday at 1200 hrs at Conference Hall 7th Floor, .JNCII Building till 31.03./025. All stakeholder are requested to take note of this.
5. Any difficulty faced by stakeholders may be brought to the notice of the SCMTR. Cell. JNCH ( and ICEGATE Helpdesk (
Date: 24-01-2025 18:33 :1
Commissioner of Customs
NS-General, JNCH, Nhava Sheva
Copy to:
1. Chief Commissioner of Customs, JNCH.
2. Commissioner/Commissioner of Customs (NS-Gen, NS-I, NS-II, NS-III, NS-IV, NS-V), JNCH.
3. All Additional/ Joint Commissioner of Customs, INCH.
4. All Deputy/Assistant Commissioner of Customs, JNCH.
5. All Sections/Docks/Groups of JNCH.
6. MANSA/CSLA/BCHAA/Port Terminal (JNPT/GTI/NSICT/ BMCTPL) and all the stakeholders under SCMTR, 2018.
7. AC/DC, EDI for uploading on JNCH website
8. Notice Board.
9. Office Copy.