Jawaharlal Nehru Custom House (JNCH) has issued Public Notice No. 12/2025 regarding the digitization of Customs Bonded Warehouse procedures. This aligns with CBIC’s Circular No. 10/2024-Customs and aims to streamline the Bond to Bond movement of goods and warehouse license processing via ICEGATE. As per the updated guidelines, for Bond to Bond Transfers, the buyer or seller must submit a physical Transshipment Bond for acceptance at the source warehouse before entering the details into the ICES system.
A dedicated cell (TSK) has been designated for bond submissions. Importers or authorized Customs Brokers must submit accepted Transshipment Bonds (TP Bonds) in the prescribed format to the TSK Section after approval from the AC/DC, Bond Section. Upon verification, a Job Number will be generated in the ICES system, followed by the issuance of a Bond Number for the transshipment process.
The notice instructs all stakeholders, including importers, exporters, and Customs Brokers, to comply with the updated procedures. Any difficulties in implementation can be reported to the Import Bond Section via email at ibond-jnch@gov.in. This notice serves as a Standing Order for Customs officers and staff at JNCH.
F. NO. CUS/BOND/MISC/701/2024-Bond
Public Notice No. 12/2025 Dated: 27/01/2025
Attention of all Importers, Exporters, Customs Brokers and other stakeholder,, invited to CBIC’s Circular No.10/2024-Customs, dated 12.10.2020, and subsequent Public Notice No. 93/2024 dated 24.10.2024 issued by J NCH on subject “Digitization of Customs Bonded Warehouse procedures relating to obtaining Warehouse Licenses, Bond to Bond Movement of warehoused goods and uploading of Monthly returns.”
2. The CBIC vide above mentioned Circular has introduced a Warehouse module on ICEGATE to facilitate ease of doing business in respect of Customs Bonded Warehouse. Reference is invited to para 5 and para 10 of Annexure-A of the Circular, wherein it is envisaged that, for Bond To Bond Transfer of cargo, the buyer or the seller, as the case may be, needs to submit the Transshipment Bond physically, for acceptance to the customs officer at the source warehouse, for generation of Transshipment Bond details in ICES (viz Bond No. and Date), which needs to be entered by the buyer or seller at the time of filing or accepting the transfer application, as the case may be.
3. Reference is also invited to Public Notice No. 82/2020 dated 14.07.2020, wherein TSK has been created as a dedicated cell for accepting all types of bonds. Accordingly, Transshipment Bonds (TP BONDS) after acceptance by AC/DC, Bond Section, will b( submitted by concerned Importers/Authorized Customs Brokers in format “Annexure-A” annexed to this PN to TSK section.
4. On the basis of the documents submitted by the Importers/Authorized Customs Brokers, the request of Importer will be processed and “Job number” will be created in the ICES system by concerned TA/STA, TSK Section. The Job number so generated would be accepted by AC/DC, TSK and the concerned TA/STA, TSK section would generate the Bond number for the respective Transshipment Bond in the ICES system itself.
5. Difficulty if any, faced in the implementation of the Public Notice may be brought to the notice of the undersigned at ibond-jnch@gov.in.
6. All the stakeholders including the trade and concerned associations are requested to take note of above. This Public Notice should be considered as Standing Order for the concerned Officers/Staff of this Custom House.
7. This issues with the approval of the Commissioner of Customs, NS-I, INCH.
(Manoj Kumar Hessa)
Deputy Commissioner of Customs
Encl: As above.
Copy to:
1. The Chief Commissioner of Customs, Mumbai Zone-II, JNCH,
2. The Pr. Commissioners/Commissioners of Customs, NS-I, NS-II, NS-III, NS-V, NS-Gen and NS-Audit, JNCH, Nhava Sheva,
3. All the Addl/Joint Commissioners of Customs, Mumbai Zone-II, JNCH,
4. All Dy./Asstt. Commissioners of Customs, Mumbai Zone-II, JNCH,
5. DC/AC EDI for uploading in JNCH website,
6. All the concerned stakeholders,
7. Office copy.
Customs Series Form No. 34
[See Section 67 of the Customs Act, 19621
Form of Bond under Section 106 of the Sea Customs Act, 1878
we ………………. of ……………(hereinafter called “the Owner” which expression shall include his heirs, executors, administrators and legal representatives) and…….. of ……………. (hereinafter called “the Surcty” which expression shall include his heirs, executors, administrators, and legal representatives) are held and firmly bound jointly and sever- ally unto the President of India (hereinafter called “the Government” which expression shall include his successors and assigns) in the sum of Rs…………. of lawful money of India to be paid to the Government for which payment to be well and truly made we the owner and the surety jointly and severally bind ourselves. Sealed with our respective seals dated the………. day of .and each of us the said owner and the said surety do hereby covenant with the Government that if any suit shall be brought touching the subject matter of this obligation or the conditions hereunder written in court subject to the superintendence of the High Court of Judicature at……….. other than the said Court in its Original Jurisdiction the same shall and may at the instance of the Government be removed into, tried and determined by the said High Court in its extraordinary Original Jurisdiction.
WHEREAS THE said owner…………….. applied to the #[Commissioner of Customs] at…….. being the Chief Officer of Customs of the said port to permit the removal of the goods fully described and specified in the Schedule to this Bond from the Warehouse at……………. to the Warehouse at…………… AND WHEREAS the said **[Commissioner of Customs] has granted permission for the removal of the said goods to the port of……. on condition of the said owner and on sufficient surety executing such bond as above written and the said surety…….. as accordingly such surety agreed to execute the said bond with such conditions as hereunder written.
Now the condition of the above-written Bond is such that if the said owner shall and will cause the said goods to be fully and safely removed to the said port of…………. and to be there produced to the proper officer and duly re-warehoused………. at the said port of………… Within……….. from the date of the above bond or cause the said goods to be otherwise accounted for to the satisfaction of such officer and shall and will produce to the **[Commissioner of Customs] for the time being at………….. a certificate duly signed by the proper officer of Customs at the said port of……….. of the whole of the said goods having been duly re-warehoused at the said last mentioned port. And also if the said owner shall and will, from time to time, and at all time hereafter upon demand by the proper officer of the Government duly authorised in that behalf pay to the said Government the full Customs duties payable under of all goods so permitted to be removed as aforesaid, then the above-written bond shall be void and have no effect otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect.
*It is hereby agreed that any amount that may be due from me/us under this Bond may be recovered in the manner laid down in sub-section (i) of Section 142 of the Customs Act, 1962.
Signed by the owner
In the presence of Witnesses
Signature of the owner.
Signed by the surety
In the presence of Witness.
Signature of the surety.
NOTE:- And it is hereby declared that the liability of of the surety hereunder shall not be impaired or discharged by reason of time being granted or by any forbearance, act or omission of the President of India or of any person authorised by him (whether with or without the consent or knowledge of the said surety) nor shall it be necessary for the President to before for the sue or take any steps or proceedings against the said……….suing or taking any steps or proceedings against the said surety amount due hereunder.
*[Vide C.B.R. D.O.C. No. 21(1)/63-CAR, dated the 26.6.19631
good write up clarifying issues on Bonded warehousing.