Subject:- Specifying the perishable goods for the the purpose of curtailing the initial period of warehousing under section 61 of the Customs Act.
I am directed to refer to the correspondence resting with Board’s letter F.No. 483/ 14/ 88-Cus-VII dated 14th October 1988 and 6th June, 1991(copies enclosed)1 on the above subject and to say that in para 1 of the said letter after, Item No. (xiii), following item may be inserted:-
(xiv) Monothiomethyl.
2. It may also be clarified that the Commissioner of Customs are entrusted with the primary responsibility to reduce the warehousing period in case where the goods are likely to deteriorate. The Commissioners should, therefore, take action to notify goods for which the warehousing period is to reduced if the goods in their opinion, can deteriorate. The list of goods circulated vide Ministry’s F.No. 483/14/88-Cus. VII dated 14th October, 1988 may be treated as illustrative, not exhaustive.