Case Law Details
Case Name : Regional Provident Fund Commissioner (II) West Bengal Vs Vivekananda Vidyamandir and Others (Supreme Court)
Related Assessment Year :
Courts :
Supreme Court of India
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Regional Provident Fund Commissioner Vs. Vivekananda Vidyamandir and Others (Supreme Court)
Basic wage, would not ipsofacto take within its ambit the salary breakup structure to hold it liable for provident fund deductions when it was paid as special incentive or production bonus given to more meritorious workmen who put in extra output which has a direct nexus and linkage with the output by the eligible workmen. When a worker produces beyond the base or standard, what he earns was not basic wage. This incentive w
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p f applicable for Variable Dearness Allowance
Incorrect. Rectify the Heading. Not all heads attracts EPF. The Judgement clearly states that any allowance ordinarily paid universally, necessarily, categorically to all the employees attracts the EPF deductions.
What is rule to pay bonus as per Bonus Act?
what is the minimum bonus payable?
Please clearly declare regarding P.F deduction. How deduct P.F in a Salary Slip. It will be deduct on whole gross or only on Basic + D.A.
can you please let me know what are the allowances that should be taken for calculating pf and which are all exempted
Is HRA paid all across the board will not attract nd similarly conveynce allowance not paid all across the board exlude pf pl inform nd guide
HRA is excluded allowance then why included in pf
This court order HRA not add the pay scale in above 15000 salary , So which allowances add the amount and if any problem For Tax
Dear *
Please make clear that we need not include HRA for deducting contribution. Where is the supreme court order says.
How to pay maximum percentage of gross salary the HRA.
Dear *
Please make clear that we need not include HRA for deducting contribution. Where is the supreme court order says.
How to pay the conveyance allowance without including the payroll
This court order is specifically about special allowance paid in the form of incentive to employees. Not about HRA, conveyance allowance attire allowance which normally not part of basic wages