Case Law Details
Case Name : Regional Provident Fund Vs Vivekananda Vidyamandir And Others (Supreme Court of India)
Appeal Number : Civil Appeal No(s). 6221 of 2011
Date of Judgement/Order : 28/02/2019
Related Assessment Year :
Courts :
Supreme Court of India
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Regional Provident Fund Vs Vivekananda Vidyamandir And Others (Supreme Court of India)
The Supreme Court’s (SC) ruling on Provident Fund on Thursday (28 February, 2019) states that employers can’t segregate special allowances from basic salary. It has to be included for PF deductions under the Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscell Please become a Premium member. If you are already a Premium member, login here to access the full content.
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for example, currently my company pays 25000/month as basic pay & another 25000/month as allowances. current Employer’s PF contribution is 12% of 25000= 3000 and same as mine contribution
will it now change to 12% of 50000=6000?
Is this judgement applicable for employees earning more than 15000 and base wages?