Request for Proposal: Appointment of Concurrent Auditors: National Housing Bank
RFP Reference No: – NHB/AD/RFP/ OUT06637/2021 dated October 22nd, 2021
Request for Proposal (RFP)-for
Appointment of Concurrent Auditors
Audit Department
Head Office, National Housing Bank
Core 5-A, 4th Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi – 110 003
Phone: 011-3918 7000-35
E-Mail: ;
1. | Tentative Date of commencement of sale of Bidding/Tender/RFP Documents | 22nd October 2021 (Friday) | |
2. | Pre-Bid meeting with Bidders (Date and Time)* | 29th October 2021 (Friday) (11:30 AM) |
3. | Last date and time for sale of Bidding Documents | 12th November 2021 (Friday) (05:00 PM) |
4. | Last date and time for receipt of Bidding Documents | 12th November 2021 (Friday) (06:00 PM) |
5. | Date and Time of Technical Bid Opening# | 15th November 2021 (Monday) (11:30 AM) |
6. | Technical Presentation by the Bidders | Will be intimated later | |
7. | Cost of RFP (Non-refundable) | Cost of RFP (Non-refundable) – ₹2,500/- However, the RFP cost will be exempted for those bidders who have already paid RFP cost in response to the RFP floated on June 23, 2021 for “Appointment of Concurrent Auditors of NHB”. Further, exemption of RFP cost for bidders falling under Micro & Small Enterprises category, subject to submission of valid MSE Registration Certificate |
8. | Earnest Money Deposit
Amount |
Bidder has to submit the “EMD/Bid Security Declaration” on their organizations letter head duly signed and stamped by their authorized signatory” accepting that if they withdraw or modify their bids during period of validity of the bid, or if they are awarded the contract and they fail to sign the contract, or fail to submit a performance security before the deadline defined in the request for proposal (RFP) document, they may be Suspended/Blacklisted at Bank’s Discretion. | |
9. | Place of opening of Bids
(Will be intimated to bidders over email if conducting through VC) |
National Housing Bank, Audit Department, Head Office Core 5-A, 4th Floor, India Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110003 |
Note: –
- *Due to ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, generally meetings are being conducted online. Interested bidders can send pre-bid queries over email as per RFP or send the VC links to NHB designated officials for face-to-face queries/clarifications in online manner.
- #Technical Bids will be opened in the presence of Bidders who choose to attend as above. The above schedule is subject to change. Notice of any changes will be provided through e-mail from designated contact personnel only or publishing on NHB’s website. Further, please note that Commercial Bid opening Date, Time & Venue will be intimated to the technically qualified Bidders at a later date.
- All data/information, submitted vide documentary proofs/company records along this RFP, must be reported & will be treated as on date of publication of this RFP.