MCA introduced new e-form INC 22A– also known as e-Form ACTIVE (Active Company Tagging Identities and Verification) by issuing Companies (Incorporation) Amendment Rules, 2019. Which was last date of filing of this form 25th April 2019; failing to file could have entailed a penalty of INR 10,000.
Government has finally extended the due date of Filing INC 22A ACTIVE as officially confirmed by MCA. New due date of filing will be 15th day of June 2019.
MCA has done so by issuing a Notification regarding Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Second Amendment Rules, 2019.
It may be noted that, every company can file INC 22A up to the date of 15th June 2019 without any fee. Any filing after 15th June, 2019 will be possible only after payment of late fees of Rs. 10,000/- as notified via Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Amendment Rules, 2019.
Otherwise The Company will be marked as “Active – Non Compliant” in MCA Master Data.
Companies are exempted from the compliance of filing Form INC 22A (eForm ACTIVE):-
- Struck Off Companies
- Under Process of Striking off Companies
- Under Amalgamation Companies
- Under Liquidation Companies
- Dissolved Companies
In the case, Company has filed STK-2 and status of the Company is showing “Active” as on the date, they need to file form INC 22A.