As part of its quality service to the Chartered Accountants in Service / Industry, The Committee for Members in Industry of ICAI has started a single window help desk for the Chartered Accountants with respect to all services related to their membership in ICAI. These services would cover appropriate assistance on the following:
1. Enrolment as members of ICAI
2. Restoration of Membership of ICAI
3. Enrolment as Fellow Member of ICAI
The above services would be coordinated by the CMII Secretariat through the respective Regional Offices of ICAI. Members who are in Service / Industry and desirous of availing this service may send their requests to
It may be specifically noted that Form – 2 for enrolment as Members of ICAI and Form – 9 for restoration of membership of ICAI and Form – 3 for enrolment as Fellow Member of ICAI should be first sent to the respective Regional Offices of the ICAI.
Accordingly this Centralized ICAI Membership Assistance Services for Chartered Accountants in Service / Industry is available to those Chartered Accountants who would like to get the assistance from the CMII Secretariat after filing the relevant forms at the concerned Regional Offices of the Institute.
Committee for Members in Industry