Dear friends, i had cleared my CA Final exam in first attempt without taking any coaching i.e by self study only. I will share my strategy for all subjects on this platform one by one so that each one of you can take full advantage of the same.
1) Reading provisions again and again without knowing the type of sum institute asked in exam won’t help you. So while preparing for DT, keep question bank with you and relate questions institute asked related to particular provision.
2) Don’t depend entirely on summary/ short notes while you are preparing for 1st time. None of the summary book covers the entire subject in details and it misses out many important aspect. Switch to summary book only after you are well verse with provisions. Stick short notes to summary book to cover up concepts which are miss put in a summary book.
3) Relating it to point 1 above, buy one Question bank / compiler (as per your choice and time constraint). For the 1st time, refer all sums. Mark imp. sums at the same time. While doing it for the 2nd time, refer only sums which are marked imp by you. How to mark important sums? a) Problems which are repetitive in examinations, choose the best one of such sum from all available questions. b) Unique sums c) Single problem covering many concepts/provisions.
4) Don’t skip/ignore out small Chapters like REIT/Securitization etc., they cover 16-20 marks. In the CA exam, you have to cover each and everything. You can’t ignore even a single concept/provision. Since time is always a constraint, that has to be done smartly.
5) Since the syllabus is too vast, categorize the whole syllabus in A, B and C.
Most Important Chapters
2) CG
3) Case laws
4) International taxation.
Solve atleast 2 papers before appearing for the final examination.
Recommended book: For Revision: BB Compact or VG Summary book
For Questions: VG Question bank (Best book if you has enough time) OR Bangar Compiler OR Bhanwar Borana Compiler (Best if time is constraint, cover many important concept / provisions in limited questions).
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