Provision of 15-minutes reading and planning time allowance to the candidates of Chartered Accountants Examinations
(Effective from May-2011 CA Examinations)
The Council of the Institute, based on the recommendation of the Examination Committee has decided to allow 15-minute reading and planning time allowance to the candidates in the Chartered Accountants Examinations before the scheduled commencement of the examinations i.e, if the examination commences from 2.00 PM, then the candidates will be given Question Papers at 1.45 PM. This reading time will not be available for CPT and all post qualification Courses Examinations.
The objective of providing question paper 15 minutes before the scheduled time is to:
(i) Enable the candidates to read the question paper thoroughly (without encroaching on the examination duration) and
(ii) Chalk out the strategy to answer the questions.
Candidates are required to note the following in this regard:
(1) The candidates will not be allowed to leave the Examination Hall under any circumstances from 1.45 PM to 3.00 PM.
(2) The candidates shall be allowed to enter the hall from 1.30 PM upto 2.30 PM only.
Any breach of the above requirements would be treated as adopting Unfair Means by the students concerned and applicable disciplinary action would be taken on such erring students.
( G. Somasekhar)
Additional Secretary(Exams)
Is it a signal to the nature of paper ??
A good move to enable the examinee to deliver the best of his ability.
i aslo want to specify that in pune student face lots of problem in coming to the examination centres and hence i request the institute to allot centres to the student near to their residence or the centre or zone preferred by the students hence it will avoid lot of travelling and reduce accidents & last moment tension
it is a great idea and i also agree answer sheet to be distributed at 2.00 pm
student favorable decision
One more string should be added along with question paper no answersheets will be given.If answersheets are given along with question paper the examinee may start solving the paper during the period allowed for reading and planning. This casualty should be taken into account.