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Reema Jain

Latest Posts by Reema Jain

Unmasking the Illusion: SEBI Cracks Down on Prominent Finfluencer Nasir

October 27, 2023 786 Views 0 comment Print

SEBI’s investigation into Nasir uncovered Rs17.2 crore in unregistered investment advisory income. Unmask the illusion of his financial success with SEBI’s findings

Cyber Security & Cyber Resilience framework for Stock Brokers/Depository Participants

August 14, 2021 2778 Views 0 comment Print

Cyber Security & Cyber Resilience framework for Stock Brokers/Depository Participants Stock brokers and depository participants perform significant functions in providing services to holders of securities. Thus, there is a need for maintaining robust cyber security and cyber resilience framework to protect the integrity of data and guard against breaches of privacy. A framework on cyber […]

Internal Aids to Construction

March 27, 2018 31959 Views 0 comment Print

The Long Title is a part of the Act and is admissible as an aid to construction. This has been held in various judicial pronouncements. It should be distinguished with the Short Title. It is a good guide regarding the object, scope or purpose of the Act. The Long Title although part of the Act is in itself not an enacting provision and though useful in case of ambiguity of the enacting provisions

Guiding Rules of Interpretation

March 14, 2018 26580 Views 0 comment Print

A. LANGUAGE OF THE STATUTE SHOULD BE READ AS IT IS – The intention of the Legislature is primarily to be gathered from the language used. The words of a statute never should, in interpretation, be added to or subtracted from without almost a necessity.

Basic Principles of Statutory Interpretation of Law

March 13, 2018 98262 Views 0 comment Print

Interpretation is crucial., and to understand how to arrive at that interpretation is imperative.

9 Landmark Judgements in Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016

March 12, 2018 96066 Views 4 comments Print

The evolving law in due course is seeing some settlement (not by virtue of Article 142 of the Indian Constitution though), but some imperative issues, still some require settlement, and certain others warrant immediate changes. Briefly discussed below are a few imperative judicial pronouncements.

Detailed study of Condonation of Delay Scheme, 2018

February 14, 2018 8208 Views 0 comment Print

In September, 2017, the Ministry identified 3,09,614 such directors associated with the non-compliant companies and they were barred from continuing as directors. Subsequent to this, a lot of hue and cry and representations followed from the industry, and as a result, Condonation of Delay Scheme, 2018 [CODS-2018]was proposed, and further put forward by the Ministry vide a Circular. This article shall discuss the Scheme in brief, and what possibly seems to have been missed in this New Year’s gift by the MCA.

MSME – Why register as one ?

February 12, 2018 7215 Views 2 comments Print

MSME- an abbreviation of Micro, Small & Medium enterprises- is the pillar of economic growth in many developed, and developing countries in the world. Often rightly termed as “the engine of growth” for India, MSME has played a prominent role in the development of the country in terms of creating employment opportunities-MSME has employed more than 50 million people, scaling manufacturing capabilities, curtailing regional disparities, balancing the distribution of wealth, and contributing to the GDP.The government has introduced various schemes and aids to ensure the MSME lead a struggle free existence in the country, and also contribute, to the Indian Economy.

Insolvency and Bankruptcy: The Road Ahead

May 18, 2017 3987 Views 0 comment Print

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code is a transformational piece of legislation as it seeks to establish an ecosystem for handling Insolvency & Bankruptcy issues. The Code received Presidential Assent on 28th May, 2016 when the landmark Bill introduced in the Lok Sabha in November 2015 finally became an Act.

Budget 2016 – A Snap View

February 29, 2016 28600 Views 0 comment Print

No Budget can satisfy all expectations, much less aspirations. It would be judged on whether the preferred options and the balancing act are credible and compelling. The current state of the nation is of despondency and what is required is pushing the development agenda for India with increased vigor. There is a pressing need for […]

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