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Priya Pal

Latest Posts by Priya Pal

ESG and Role of Company Secretaries: Navigating the Path to Sustainability

October 14, 2023 2502 Views 0 comment Print

Explore how company secretaries are reshaping corporate governance by embracing ESG principles, driving sustainability, and overcoming regulatory challenges.

How to be a Good Company Secretary When You are ‘THE FRESHER’

August 7, 2023 4530 Views 0 comment Print

Discover how to navigate the challenging transition from being a trainee to the main Company Secretary. This comprehensive guide provides insights on reading before acting, creating checklists, seeking consultant advice, adopting a deliberate pace, keeping detailed notes, avoiding back-dated compliances, embracing automation, learning from history, staying in the loop, staying alert, accepting mistakes, and fostering confidence, trust, and belief. As a fresher, approach the role with unwavering confidence and embrace the journey of continuous learning.

Future of Sustainability? Women!

March 8, 2022 2100 Views 1 comment Print

The future of sustainability? Women! राष्ट्रस्य श्व: नारी अस्ति   Woman is our tomorrow WOMEN AND SUSTAINABILITY: THE CO-RELATION Sustainability means meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It is maintaining the balance between the environment, equity, and economy Sustainability presumes that resources are finite, and should be used […]

Basics of Sweat Equity Shares as per Companies Act, 2013

September 19, 2021 25842 Views 0 comment Print

What is Sweat Equity? Sweat Equity Shares means equity shares issued by a company to its director or employee at discount or for consideration other than cash, for providing know-how or making available like intellectual property rights or value addition. Who is Eligible? Permanent employee of the Company; Permanent employee of the subsidiary or a holding company […]

4 Important Examination Tips for all CA/CS/CMA Students

July 16, 2021 3849 Views 2 comments Print

We all know that Professional Exams are hard to crack and have their own set of patterns and passing criteria. Only studying is not enough here; adequate planning before appearing for the exam is necessary. So, below are 4 MUST-HAVE THINGS for all the CA/CS/CMA students: 1. INDEXATION:Having your hand-made, detailed index of each subject with […]

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