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We all know that Professional Exams are hard to crack and have their own set of patterns and passing criteria. Only studying is not enough here; adequate planning before appearing for the exam is necessary. So, below are 4 MUST-HAVE THINGS for all the CA/CS/CMA students:

1. INDEXATION:Having your hand-made, detailed index of each subject with the number of pages in each topic will not only help to plan the study but also helps to speed up the revision days. Paste the index on the 1st page of each subject module/ material used for studying. Having a page number written in front of each subject will help to decide which topic to take based on the available time in hand.

Exam tips for CA, CS and CMA

2. FORMULA BOOK/ SECTION BOOK:This will make the life of every CA/CS student very easy. CA/CS students have to remember the ‘n’ number of formula/format/sections throughout their journey of clearing the exam even after that. Having a handwritten Formula Book/Section Book will speed up the revision and save time. One can use these books while traveling and before going to bed and glance at crucial formulas.

3. HERO SUBJECT IN EACH GROUP:Yes, having a Hero subject in each group is very important. CA/CS/CMA exams have aggregate passing & one cannot be good at every topic, so to pass the exam, all-in-all, one should have at least one subject in each group in which one can score 60+.

4. STAY POSITIVE AND CONFIDENT:This point is much more important than what I have discussed above. In most cases, students study sincerely throughout the year & as the exam approaches, they start getting break-downs, having self-doubts and think of attempting only one group or two groups and skipping the other ones.  So no matter what, one should maintain confidence throughout the journey and stay positive.

All the Best and trust your struggles! 

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Hello, I'm Priya Pal, a Qualified Company Secretary based in Mumbai. Currently working in the Insurance broking industry. I'm passionate about sharing insights and support through my articles and my YouTube Channel (CS Priya Pal). Join me in exploring the dynamic world of company secretarial pra View Full Profile

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  1. Subramanian Natarajan CPA says:

    Practice, practice and again p….
    Yes have systematically been studying, doing practice exams and do pass.
    I hope like usa for CPA, we do have memory cards, small and printed ones for memory purpose. Problems clear doubts.Why not attempt questions , see your weakness and plan. Yes 85% study+ practice plus 14% hard work and 1% luck.

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