Understand the implications of the seizure of cash during search operations under Section 67(2) of the CGST Act, 2017. Explore recent judgments from High Courts, such as Madhya Pradesh and Delhi, addressing the legality of cash seizures. Get insights into the complexities of this issue and stay informed on the evolving legal landscape.
Ongoing through the form 10A, it is noticed that various financial information have been required to be filled pertaining to different date and period which is causing hardship to submit the same at this pandemic period where almost all offices have remained closed in month of April, 2021 and also continue to be closed at present.
Moot question in this article is that a person can be penalised twice one under the proceeding under section 129 of the Central Goods and Service Tax, 2017 and also under the proceeding u/s 130 of Act ibid for a single offence.
Govt of India has been very kind enough in introducing the bill The Direct Tax Vivad Se Vishwas Bill, 2020. We have gone through the bill and sought the clarification for better understanding and interest in public at large.
Now it is pertinent to note here that, restriction / ban has been imposed on only Unregulated Deposit Scheme and not on all deposits. It means that all deposits are not banned, and only those deposits are banned which are classified under the Unregulated Deposit Scheme.
Inform- GSTR 9 there have been various points which have created confusion among taxpayers on account of ambiguous and contradictory instructions given in the form. There was also a shortcoming that this form is only a sum-up of form GSTR-3B and GSTR-1, as already submitted.