Gujarat HC quashes GST show cause notices and order for 2017-18, ruling they were final orders without a hearing. Case remanded for fresh proceedings.
Gujarat High Court halts recovery proceedings against Abhyuththan Gram Vikas Mandal, citing lack of opportunity for hearing. Main case listed for October 2024.
Explore the Supreme Court’s ruling on Section 17(5) of the CGST Act, 2017, and its impact on Input Tax Credit claims for construction costs under GST.
SE Forge Limited Vs Union of India (Gujarat High Court) The Gujarat High Court in M/S SE Forge Limited Vs. Union of India [Special Application No.16056 of 2022 decided on 03.02.2023] held that a SEZ Unit, is entitled to claim the refund of IGST credit lying unutilized in the Electronic Credit Ledger. FACTS M/S SE […]
HC held that reasons should be stated in seizure memo, order of provisional release and order of extension of time period under Customs Act.
Virani Metal Industries v. State of Gujarat (Gujarat High Court) The Gujarat High Court in M/S Virani Metal Industries v. State of Gujarat (SCA No.13233 of 2022 decided on 30.11.2022) held that the SCN issued without reasons and vague is bad in law and liable to be set aside. FACTS M/s. Virani Metal Industries (hereinafter […]
Due to the lack of statutory law and legislative framework governing transfer pricing, the taxability of AMP expenses has become a biggest controversy and dilemma, and it also offers no guidance in situations where an express agreement does not exist.
The world came to the standstill with series of lockdown for a simple cause to save the mankind from Covid-19. Everything was curbed. Businesses got stalled. Finance cycle could not be completed as the wrath came at the fag end of the financial year 2019-2020. Panic pushed Companies to run the show with limited resources. […]
Grant of a patent implies a statutorily granted monopoly on the use of invention. Setting aside the concern that this invention should not be exploited at the cost of public interest. Once a patent is granted, the patentee is vested with the exclusive rights over his inventions for the period of 20 years.
INTRODUCTION A trademark, one of the most important Intellectual property incorporates any word, name, image, or any mix, used , or expected to be used, in business to recognize the products of one producer or dealer from merchandise fabricated or sold by others and to show the wellspring of the products. It is an imprint […]