Explore the detailed analysis of AAR Tamilnadu’s ruling on GST for hostel accommodation services and in-house food supply. Learn about eligibility, tax rates, and composite supply implications.
Bhamashah Sundarlal Daga Charitable Trust wins ITAT Jodhpur appeal against CIT’s rejection of 80G registration. Detailed analysis on amendments and absurdity in literal interpretation.
ITAT Visakhapatnam held that cooperative society is eligible for deduction U/s. 80P(2)(a)(i) of the Income Tax Act on the interest income received from investment in banks.
Orissa High Court held that order passed under Section 254 (2) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 cannot be construed to be an order within the meaning of Section 260A to make it appealable before this Court.
ITAT Delhi held that the pass through cost to the extent which are directly relatable to third parties, namely, advertisement and publicity; business promotion and participation in trade events are to be excluded from the cost base.
ITAT Delhi held that that simultaneous issue of the DIN number is insignificant and superfluous exercise, in the absence of mentioning the DIN number on the body of the communication. Accordingly, AO’s order with no DIN is invalid.
Delhi High Court held that initiation of recovery proceedings against deductee as deductor failed to deposit tax with Government and deductor is undergoing CIRP is unjustified and unsustainable in law.
Jharkhand High Court held that Clean Energy Cess is leviable even after introduction of GST. Accordingly, demand of Clean Energy Cess upheld.
ITAT Mumbai held that adoption of stamp duty valuation invoking provisions of section 50C of the Income Tax Act without making reference to District Valuation Officer (DVO) unsustainable. Accordingly, matter remanded for de novo proceedings.
Madras High Court held that initiation of prosecution for the offence punishable u/s. 276CC of the Income Tax Act cannot be sustained as proviso to section 276CC grants relief to assessee when tax payable determined by regular assessment, as reduced by advance tax paid and TDS, does not exceed Rs.3,000/-.