Elevating the Role of Company Secretaries in India: A comprehensive exploration of their evolving responsibilities, challenges, and opportunities in the ever-changing business landscape. Understand the legal, governance, and compliance aspects shaping the profession.
Dear Professional Colleague, As you may be kindly aware that the due date to file ITR Forms for certain assessees as specified in clause (c) of Explanation 2 to section 139(1) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 for Assessment Year 2022-23 is 31st July, 2022 which is just round the corner and fast approaching. We are […]
Held that circular no. 150/06/2021-GST dated 17.06.2021 clarifying that GST exemption is not available to annuity (deferred payments) received by the concessionaries towards construction of roads is contrary to notification no. 32/2017 and notification no. 33/2017 dated 13.10.2017.
Held that it is not open for the Bank to fasten indirect liability and deny release of title deeds of the property on which there is no charge
Held that uncleared legal position of payment of entry tax on imported vehicles was cleared on 29.01.2019. As there was reason for delay in payment of entry tax, penalty clause cannot be invoked if the petitioners have paid/ come forward to pay the tax after 29.01.2019.
Held that the impugned proceedings rest on the second chargesheet which bids us to restrict scrutiny upto 04 September 2003 and there is no allegation that any illegal monetary gains were derived or obtained as on 04 September 2003. Provisional order of attachment held illegal.
Held that as per the agreement there was only permissible possession given to the developer and the same cannot be treated as transferred under section 2(47)(4).
Held that there was bonafide belief of the assessee that passing journal entries, even though in violation of mode prescribed u/s. 269SS and section 269T, is permissible. Entries done before judgement of Hon’ble Bombay HC in the case of Triumph International. Penalty deleted on the basis of reasonable cause.
Kalra Papers Pvt. Ltd. Vs ITO (ITAT Delhi) The penalty provisions of section 271(1)(c) of the Act are attracted, where the Assessee has concealed the particulars of income or furnished inaccurate particulars of such income. It is also a well-accepted proposition that the aforesaid two limbs of section 271(1)(c) of the Act carry different meanings. […]
Held that co-operative banks are liable to deduct TDS on payment of interest on time deposits only from 01.06.2015 and not before that.