The Exhibitor shall claim reimbursement of SGST paid on monthly basis by filing Application, manually, in Annexure-A to the Proper Officer (LGSTO / SGSTO having geographical jurisdiction) irrespective of the fact whether the Exhibitor falls in the Central or State jurisdiction. This application shall be filed within ten days from the due date of filing monthly tax return.
Q.1 What is Aadhaar Authentication history? Ans. Aadhaar Authentication history service hosted on UIDAI Website provides details of authentication performed by the individual resident in past. Q.2 Where can a resident check his/her Aadhaar Authentication history? Ans. Authentication History service is hosted on UIDAI Website at URL Q.3 What is the procedure for checking Aadhaar […]
The Chartered Accountants, The Cost And Works Accountants And The Company Secretaries (Amendment) Bill, 2021 aims to strengthen the disciplinary mechanism by augmenting the capacity of the Disciplinary Directorate to deal with the complaints and information and providing time bound disposal of the cases by specifying the time limits for speedy disposal of the cases against members of the Institutes;
Cryptocurrency and Income Tax Clarification on the taxation of cryptocurrency in India was highly awaited for the crypto holders. With the introduction of Budget 2022, the government has announced taxation norms on the same. Key pointers regarding income tax implications on cryptocurrencies in India are as follows – 1. Cryptocurrency – Meaning as per Income […]
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 80 of the Finance Act, 2018, Central Government hereby appoints the 1st June, 2022, as the date from which new chapter VIIA shall be inserted in Customs Act, 1962
Dilipkumar Chandulal Vs State Of Gujarat (Gujarat High Court) It was an inadvertent mistake committed by the Chartered Accountant which led to cancellation of the registration number of the proprietary ship. We are of the view that the respondent No.2 should immediately look into the matter and see to it that the order cancelling the […]
Pawan Kumar Vs Commissioner of Customs (CESTAT Chandigarh) The appellant is in appeal against the impugned order wherein the penalties have been imposed under section 112 (a) and section 114AA of Customs Act, 1962 for alleged preparation of fake TR-6 challans showing payment of customs duty which actually was not paid by the appellant. Ld. […]
This order may be called the Removal of Licensing Requirements, Stock Limits and Movement Restrictions on Specified Foodstuffs (Second Amendment) Order, 2022. It shall come into force with effect from 1st April, 2022.
Udaya Sounds Vs PCIT (Kerala High Court) Title deeds of the petitioner are retained by the Income Tax department under the colour of a search and seizure for the last more than twenty-two years. Alleging that the retention of the said documents are contrary to law, petitioner has approached this Court seeking directions to return […]
Union Bank Of India Vs Sh D.C. Chaturvedi (Delhi High Court) Section 4(6)(a) of the Act, however, provides that the gratuity of an employee, whose services may have been terminated for the reasons as specified therein, can be forfeited to the extent of damage or loss so caused. The relevant provision reads as under: “(6) […]