The legislative intent of the statute and its application in practise by the judiciary has always been a race to perfection with one leading the other and the case of Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 is no different. The Act, 2016 came on the statute book with all its provisions in force on […]
Shriram Retail Holdings Pvt. Ltd. Vs DCIT (ITAT Chennai) Forfeiture of convertible warrant would result into extinguishment of the right of the assessee to obtain a share. A share in a company is nothing but share in the ownership of the company. While the right of the assessee to share in the ownership of the […]
As per circular dated 23.08.2007 issued by the Department that clarifies that the payment of VAT/ Sales tax on a transaction has to be treated as sale of goods and levy of service tax on such transaction would not arise.
SHIFTING OF REGISTERED OFFICE UNDER COMPANIES ACT, 2013 REGISTERED OFFICE is the place where all documents and notices are sent to the company. It is mentioned in the Situation clause of the Memorandum of Association. SHIFTING OF REGISTERED OFFICE MEANS CHANGE IN THE PLACE OF THE REGISTERED OFFICE.IT MAY BE IN THREE WAYS BROADLY 1. […]
DRAFTING TIP PRINCIPAL vs. PRINCIPLE Principal and Principle look and sound alike, yet have different meanings. While Principal can be a noun or an adjective, Principle is a noun. PRINCIPAL:- When Principal is used in form of a noun it means:- 1. Main / head person, such as the Principal of a school. (to remember […]
Rashmi Motors Vs PCIT (Orissa High Court) 1. This matter is taken up by video conferencing mode. 2. It appears that a Division Bench of Allahabad High Court has in its judgment dated 30th September, 2021 in Writ Tax No.524 of 2021 (Ashok Kumar Agarwal v. Union of India) accepted the pleas challenging reassessment notice […]
Orissa HC quashes notice under Section 148 of IT Act, citing lack of approval and time bar. Full text of judgment included.
The Air India strategic disinvestment transaction has been completed today with Government receiving a consideration of Rs 2,700 crore from the Strategic Partner (M/s Talace Pvt Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of M/s Tata Sons Pvt Ltd), retaining debt of Rs 15,300 crore in Air India and AIXL and transferring shares of Air India (100% […]
Manshi Automobiles Vs Union of India (Patna High Court) We form an opinion that the order is bad in law. This we say so, for two reasons- (a) violation of principles of natural justice, i.e. Fair opportunity of hearing. No sufficient time was afforded to the petitioner to represent his case; (b) order passed ex […]
Where a response was sought by the Assessing Officer to the show cause notice, giving less than 24 hours, it has been held to be arbitrary resulting in palpable injustice. Thus, without going into merits or demerits of the case, it would be suffice in restoring the proceedins to the Assessing Officer to provide reasonable opportunity of hearing to the petitioner with liberty to file additional reply, annulling the assessment order.