Goods or articles specified in column (1) of the Table below shall conform to the corresponding Indian Standard given in column (2) of the said Table and shall bear the Standard Mark under a licence from the Bureau of Indian Standards as per Scheme-I of Schedule-II of the Bureau of Indian Standards (Conformity Assessment) Regulations,
The Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI) provides for securing a food license as one of the most essential measures for inaugurating a food industry. After receiving a food/FSSAI license, a business can be inaugurated unobstructedly and without any legitimate complexity.
The Facility Management (FM) industry is borne out as the means of providing maintenance support, user management and project management. It has grown dramatically over the past two decades, owing to the major urbanization and industrialization.
State Bank of India Vs Assistant Commissioner (ST) (Madras High Court) Whether the Financial Institution, which is a secured creditor, or the department of the government concerned, would have the ‘Priority of Charge’ over the mortgaged property in question, with regard to the tax and other dues? No doubt that the rights of a secured […]
Well, every Chartered Accountant leaves behind a story to Inspire. I leave similar footprints. As I thoughtfully travel into the past; Though I didn’t have a normal childhood, I feel blessed that I had my basic physical necessities like food, clothing, shelter met. I was one of those kids who failed in 4th standard hindi […]
CERTIFIED TRUE COPY OF RESOLUTION PASSED IN THE MEETING OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF (Name of the Company) HELD ON (Day), (Date) AT THE REGISTERED OFFICE AT (Address) AT 11.00 A.M. Authorisation to file CFSS-2020 Chairman informed the board that Ministry of Corporate Affairs vide General Circular No. 12/2020 dated 30/03/2020 introduced Companies Fresh Start […]
Ministry of Corporate Affairs (‘MCA’) has introduced a scheme known as Companies Fresh Start Scheme (‘Scheme’) on 30th March, 2020 pursuant to General Circular No. 12/2020 in order to facilitate defaulting Companies by enabling them to file belated returns/documents that are required to be filed on MCA 21 electronic registry without charging any additional fees […]
All Trust, Society, NGO’s Do before 30.06.2021 This article focus on major changes brought in by Finance Act 2020 replace section 12AA into 12AB and consequential change sin Section in section 10(23C) as well as 80G. Due to Covid-19 pandemic CBDT has decided to defer the implementation of new procedure for approval/registration from 1st Oct […]
Shri Kamal Kishore Soni Vs ITO (ITAT Hyderabad) Assessee has made the investment in the shares of Rockon Fintech in the year 2008-09 whereas the report of the investigation wing is dated 16.3.2018. Therefore, the argument of the assessee’s counsel that the assessee could not have known that Rockon Fintech is a penny stock company […]
What is a Pivot table? Table in Excel is a conventional form where we have the rows and columns of the data as in raw form with a little scope such as filter, sort ,etc. There is no scope for turning down the data into meaningful insights and summary. ‘Pivot’ means to turn or change […]