Reference is invited to the amendments in Section 46 of the Customs Act, 1962 introduced through the Finance Act, 2021.These changes facilitate pre-arrival processing and assessment of Bills of Entry (BE) by mandating their advance filing thus leading to significant decrease in the Customs clearance time. The amended Section 46 requires an importer to file a BE before the end of the day (including holidays) preceding the day of arrival of the vessel/aircraft/vehicle carrying the imported goods at a Customs port/station at which such goods are to be cleared for home consumption or warehousing. However, Board is empowered to prescribe different time limits for such filing in certain cases, but by not later than the end of the day of arrival of the vessel/aircraft/vehicle at the Customs port/station.
Sham Interiors Vs Assistant Commercial Tax Officer (Madras High Court) The proviso to Section 24(3) of Puducherry Value Added Tax Act, 2007 specifically requires that the dealer be afforded reasonable opportunity of being heard prior to framing of an assessment. Such reasonable opportunity, Courts have been consistently held, must include an opportunity of personal hearing. […]
Extension of time for completion of Assessment/Re-assessment/Rectification and withdrawal of appeal and other proceedings to avail the benefits under Karasamadhana Scheme -2021- Reg.
Karnataka Karasamadhana scheme 2021 has been notified towards waiver of penalty and interest of arrears under all pre GST State Acts. Online application will be available shortly on website PROCEEDINGS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA FINANCE SECRETARIAT Sub: Karasamadhana Scheme, 2021- reg. READ: Para No. 344of the Budget Speech of the Hon-ble Chief Minister […]
CBIC hereby specifies the following amendments in the bill of entry presented under the second proviso to the sub-section (3) of section 46 of the said Act, which may be done by the importer on the common portal:-
(1) These regulations may be called the Bill of Entry (Forms) Amendment Regulations, 2021.(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
(1) These regulations may be called the Bill of Entry (Electronic Integrated Declaration and Paperless Processing) Amendment Regulations, 2021. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
CBIC hereby notifies the common portal accessible through uniform resource locator (URL) as the Common Customs Electronic Portal for facilitating registration, filing of bills of entry, shipping bills, other documents and forms prescribed under the said Act or under any other law for the time being in force
Reference is also invited to legislative changes in Section 46 of the Customs Act, 1962 introduced through the Finance Act, 2021 and the Board Circular No. 08/2021-Customs dated 29.03.2021 conveyed vide Public Notice No. 29/2021 dated 29.03.2021 and Board Instruction No. 05/2021-Cutoms dated 24.03.2021 conveyed vide Public Notice No. 25/2021 dated 25.03.2021 issued by JNCH.
A few changes on the Customs and GST side are to come into effect shortly on the dates indicated in the Finance Act 2021 (no 13 of 2021) and in some others are independently slated to begin from lst of April, 2021. They have been publicized through our social media handles. However, field formations and DGTS should sensitize and hand hold the trade about the implementation of these changes, during this week. IT systems has also been geared up to incorporate and adopt the changes to make this transition smooth.