All concerned are directed to file default record from Information Utility alongwith the new petitions being filed under section 7 of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 positively. No new petition shall be entertained without record of default under section 7 of IBC, 2016
Please refer to Board’s Instruction No. 4/2019- Customs dated 11.10.2019 clarifying the position regarding Education Cess, Secondary and Higher Education Cess, Social Welfare Surcharge, Clean Environment Cess (erstwhile Clean Energy Cess) and Stowage Excise Duty levied on inputs used in the manufacture of export goods with regard to their incidence for the purpose of calculation of Brand Rate of duty drawback
It may be clarified that there is NOT a bar in the revised Code of Ethics on acceptance of more than 15% fees from a single client. There is only requirement of disclosure , and taking safeguards prescribed therein, if the total gross annual professional fees from the audit client and its related entities represent more than 15% of the total fees received by the firm expressing the opinion on the financial statements of the client for two consecutive years.