Buy-backs have been the topic of discussion in corporate corridors in India since Budget (No. 2) 2019 has extended the existing tax on buy-back of shares to listed shares. Earlier, listed companies used buy-backs as an alternative to reward shareholders, as dividend was proving an expensive alternative from a tax perspective. A buy-back is a […]
. Government has issued Framework for timely detection, reporting, investigation etc. relating to large value bank frauds to Public Sector Banks (PSBs) for systemic and comprehensive checking of legacy stock of their non-performing assets (NPAs), which provides, inter-alia, that—
‘Financial Management‘ is something that we all have struggled to conquer at some point of time or other. Both at the personal and professional front having a healthy financial state always does the trick. The opposite happens when they go all messed up, your concentration is hit, and your focus at more productive things takes […]
Recent Amendment in Section 188- Related Party Transaction- Companies (Meeting of Board And Its Powers) Second Amendment Rules, 2019 SECTION 188: RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS The provisions listed below are after taking into account amendments introduced by Companies (Meetings of Board and its Powers) Second Amendment Rules, 2019 vide MCA notification dated November 18, 2019. Section […]
This presentation is based on my first hand experience in income tax assessments over past 3 years. I have tried to explain in brief as to what transpired at ground level in each case without use of much of jargon.
Article explains when Input Tax Credit is not available under GST, What are the exception to rule/provisions of non availability of Input Tax Credit under GST and relevant explanations. Input Tax credit under GST is not available on Motor vehicles for transportation of persons having approved seating capacity of not more than 13 persons (including […]
The issue under consideration is whether TDS u/s 194J will be applicable on payments made by TPA to hospitals on behalf of insurance companies for settling medical or insurance claims?
whether the interest on bank deposit earned by assessee engaged in money lending covered under head of Business Income or Income from Other Sources?
India is now one of the front runners among the developing countries for attracting FDI. Its strong and stable growth and commitment to institutional reforms has made it one of the most attractive destinations for FDI. Cross border flow of capital, human resource and technology has increased manifold over the period of time, which in […]
Continuous and rapid global integration has impacted the economies of different countries differently and in a positive manner. Consequently, knowledge, experience and skills of human capital have also been seamlessly shared, which in turn has placed expatriate employees in the most vital position. The income of an inbound expatriate or an outbound expatriate is taxable […]