Shri Rupesh Rashmikant Shah Vs Union of India & Ors. (Bombay High Court) In the context of interest, there are three crucial dates. The date of the accident is a date in reference to which the entire compensation is calculated. The date of filing of the claim petition is the date from which the claimant […]
Business organisations enter into a bunch of restructuring transactions which satisfy the definition of business combinations as per Ind AS 103. There is also a requirement to understand the accounting, tax, presentation and reporting requirements in the case of common control transactions.
The retail sector in India is one of the biggest contributors to the economy in terms of revenue and contributes about 10% towards its GDP. It provides the second highest rate of employment after agriculture. The retail sales in India are growing at a compounded annual rate of 15% since the year 2014.
As per Section 2(16) of the Companies Act,2013 ‘charge’ means an interest or lien created on the property or assets of a company or any of its undertakings or both as security and includes a mortgage; Applicable Section 77 to 87 of Companies Act, 2013. Applicable Rules The Companies (Registration of Charges) Rules, 2014 CHARGE CREATION […]
Changes in Budget ♠ Changes in Customs tariff ( Rates) -Make in India theme -Reduction in duty on raw materials -Increase in duty on finished goods ♠ Significant Changes in Legislative Changes in Customs Act, 1962 ♠ Changes in Customs tariff Act, 1975 Budgetary Changes Customs Duty Rates Customs Tariff: Notification No. 6/2018-Customs to No. […]
Government hereby appoints the 9th day of August, 2019, as the date on which the provisions of Part I, IV, VI & VII of Chapter VI of the Finance (No. 2) Act, 2019 (23 of 2019), shall come into force. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY MINISTRY OF FINANCE (Department of Financial Services) NOTIFICATION New Delhi, the 9th […]
Notification no. G.S.R. 127 (E) dated 19.02.2019 will be applicable to those Startup Companies also where addition u/s 56(2)(viib) has been made in an assessment order under the IT Act before 19thFebruary, 2019 provided the assessee has subsequently submitted the declaration in Form-2 that it fulfils the conditions mentioned in Para-4 of the above-referred notification.
Delhi High Court has observed that second proviso to Customs Section 110(2), stating that in case of provisional release, period of 6 months for SCN would not apply, is to make sure that at least seized goods are provisionally released quickly. The Court held that 2nd proviso, inserted by Finance Act, 2018, did not take away what was already available to assessee and hence the proviso was not applied retrospectively.
A proviso has been added to condition (b) of Section 23 of the Master Direction to the effect that, where the individual is a prisoner in a jail, the signature or thumb print shall be affixed in presence of the officer in-charge of the jail and the said officer shall certify the same under his signature and the account shall remain operational on annual submission of certificate of proof of address issued by the officer in-charge of the jail.
AIFs incorporated in IFSC shall be permitted to make investments as per the provisions of the SEBI (Alternative Investment Fund) Regulations, 2012, and the guidelines and circulars issued thereunder, including the operating guidelines for AIFs in IFSC.