ITO Vs Bajaj Roadways (ITAT Kolkata) Revenue’s substantive ground seeking to revive unexplained cash credit addition of Rs.64, 10,000/- in assessee’ s partners’ capital Suffice to say, various judicial precedents have settled the law that such addition has to be made in the concerned partners’ hands than in case of a firm assessee. We quote one […]
M/s. KGL Network (P) Ltd. Vs ACIT (ITAT Delhi) Assessee-company made payments on behalf of its clients as Clearing and Forwarding (C&F)Agent which were reimbursed to the assessee-company. The assessee-company did not make claim of deduction in the P & L A/c. Similar claim of assessee-company has been allowed in earlier and subsequent year, therefore, rule […]
State is not refunding the amount due to the assessees despite there being orders passed in their favour or otherwise they were found entitled to the same, we direct the Financial Commissioner, Taxation, Punjab to appear in person in Court so that this avoidable litigation can be checked. He shall apprise this Court about the time frame within which refunds due to the assessees will be processed and all pending refund applications will be disposed of and the amount will be paid to the assessees.
Insurance Companies shall carry out the following in respect of Motor Third Party Insurance covers for new cars and new two- wheelers with effect from 1St September, 2018: (i) Offer only three-year Motor Third Party Insurance covers for new cars and five-year motor third party insurance policies for new two-wheelers.
Section 115JB was inserted by the Finance Act, 2000, w.e.f. 01/04/2001. It had replaced Section 115JA, which was inserted by the Finance Act, 1996 w.e.f. 01/04/1997. Section 115JA was replacement of earlier Section 115J, which was inserted by the Finance Act, 1987 w.e.f. 01/04/1988. The objective and philosophy of the provisions of Section 115J, Section 115JA and Section 115JB are same; however, the method of computation has been slightly changed in these sections.
Agriculture income is exempt under section 10(1) of the Indian Income Tax Act but While computing tax on non-agricultural income agricultural income is also taken into consideration and when we compute tax taking agriculture income into consideration we pay tax on agriculture income also.
In re Lions Club of Poona Kothrud (GST AAR Maharastra) Question :- Since the amount collected by individual Lions clubs and Lions District is for convenience of Lion members and pooled together only for paying Meeting expenses & communication expenses and the same is deposited in single bank account. As there is no furtherance of […]
Introduction- The topic of taxation of capital gains on real estate transaction under the income tax act is live and ever interesting topic from point of view of all concerned with such taxation. This is one set of provisions in the Act which has raised maximum number of issues of interpretation. In the recent years several amendments have been brought about in the income tax act relating to computation and chargeability of capital gain. Frequent changes have only added to the complexity of an already complicated subject.
S.O. (E): In exercise of powers conferred by Section 3 of FT (D&R) Act, 1992, read with paragraph 1.02 and 2.01 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-2020, as amended from time to time, the Central Government hereby notifies amendment to the Notification No.25/2015-2020 dated 17th August, 2018 vide which import policy of Petcoke under HS codes 2713 11 00, 2713 12 00, 2713 20 00 and 2713 90 00 were “Prohibited”.
Central Government hereby amends the export policy of biofuels under Chapter 27 of ITC (HS), 2018, Schedule – 2 (Export Policy). Export Policy of bio-fuels is revised from ‘Free’ to ‘Restricted’ as per the National Policy on Biofuels – 2018. Notification No. 29 /2015-2020 Dated 28 August, 2018 Government of India Ministry of Commerce & Industry […]