Arjuna (Fictional Character): Krishna, On 15th August India’s Independence Day is celebrated enthusiastically. Nowadays its very difficult to maintain one’s own independence from slavery of another person. The introduction of new Income Tax Audit Report on August 20 for the financial year 2017-18 would require to give details of GST alongwith Income Tax. Due to […]
Now a day’s accounting frauds are on rise to be reported related to Payroll in which a FRAUDSTER manages to create some employees master file which actually do not exists and manage to take away their all benefits by way of FRAUD.
In continuation of the measures of this department relating to the grievances of tax payers, the department desires to create a mechanism to deal with high pitched/ un-reasonable demands. There will four Nodal Committees in the State as follows to receive grievances of the tax payers.
Vide notification No. 1/2018-Customs (SG), dated the 30th July, 2018, safeguard duty has been imposed on Solar cells whether or not assembled in modules or panels falling under subheading 8541 or tariff item 8541 40 11 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 at specified rates for a period of two years.
SEBI seeks public comments on the ‘Report on the Settlement Mechanism’ submitted by the High Level Committee (HLC) under the Chairmanship of Justice A. R. Dave (retd.)
Shri Chitrang M. Dave Vs DCIT (ITAT Ahmedabad) The Ahmedabad bench of the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal ( ITAT ) has held that the benefit of capital gain exemption under Section 54 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 cannot be denied to a joint owner who made the total investment in the purchase of the […]
When it comes to raising unsecured finance for your chartered accountancy firm, a credit card and a Flexi Loan both appear to be viable options, as they are easy to access and provide you the funds that you need. However, it is worth spending a few extra minutes deciding which option suits your needs more closely and is more beneficial too.
Ocean Agro (India) Ltd. Vs DCIT (ITAT Ahmedabad) A short issue before us is, whether compounding fees expended by the assessee is compensatory in nature, and allowable expenditure under section 37(1) or not. We find that Explanation 1 appended to section 37(1) of the Income Tax Act prohibits allowance of any expenditure, if it was incurred […]
In re Emerge Vocational Skills Private Limited (GST AAR Karnataka) Question- Whether the services provided by the applicant in affiliation to specified universities and providing degree courses to students under related curriculums are exempt from Goods and Services Tax vide entry no. 66 of the Notification No. 12/ 2017 – Central Tax dated 28.06.2017? Answer- […]
In re Evergreen Publication (India) Ltd. (GST AAR Punjab) Lab manuals generally for class 6th to 12th printed by printing / publishing industry as prescribed by education boards and written by author(s), whether is tax free product falling under heading 4901 attract nil duty? The Lab Manual being published by the applicant which comprises of […]