Schwing Stetter India Ptd. Ltd. Vs Commissioner of GST & Central Excise (Madras High Court) The sum and substance of the prayer of the petitioners is that they are unable to upload Form GST TRAN-1 to take credit of the Input Tax /Service Tax/Central Excise Duty availed by them at the time of migration within […]
This write up is prepared in regards to the newly introduced/ substituted provisions under the Companies Act, 2013 (herein referred thereafter ‘the Act’) i.e. Section-90 (Register of significant Beneficial Owners in a Company) herein enforced[1] and the Companies (Beneficial Interest and Significant Beneficial Interest) Rules, 2018 (‘Final Rules’) issued by MCA in relation to Significant Beneficial Ownership (SBO) by MCA vide its Notification dated June 13, 2018[2].
NCLT, Mumbai Bench dismissed the petition filed by Cyrus Mistry who incidentally owns about 18.3% (including preference capital) of Tata Sons Limited. NCLT ruled that Tata Sons Limited has all the rights to remove its Executive Chairman and NCLT found no merit in Mistry’s allegations of operational mismanagement and oppression of minority shareholders. The Mistry-Tatas […]
Recently on 10th July 2018 GST Council has released proposed amendments to GST law, seeking comments from stakeholders by 15 July 2018. The Proposal comprises 38 amendments to the CGST Act, 6 amendments to IGST Act and 2 amendments to GST (Compensation to States) Act.
Normally GST is charged on the transaction value of the goods. However, in respect of second hand goods/car , a person dealing is such goods may be allowed to pay tax on the margin.
After one year of GST implementation in India, one can observe that law of GST is based on law of central excise and service tax whereas GST compliance is based on law of sales tax. In spite of this, there are some transactions where related legal provisions are not clear and therefore, call for interpretations. One of the transactions is out and out sale.
Introduction To E-Form DIR 3- KYC- MCA vide Notification dated 5thJuly, 2018 has amended Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014 by inserting Rule 12A and made Directors KYC mandatory which is effective from 10th July 2018.
House Rent Allowance (H.R.A.) results in tax savings because accounting under Income tax act is direct exemption based. However, accounting of Rent Free accommodation is valuation based taxation and added to total income of employee presumptive basis. Please note Rent-Free Accommodation cannot be taxed if Salary is NIL The principles of valuations are explained below:- […]
Article explains Preamble, Tittle and Applicability of Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017, Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017, Union Territory Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017, Goods and Services Tax (Compensation to States) Act, 2017 and [Name of State E.G. Bihar, Delhi, Up Etc.] Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017.
This Article is about how interception of conveyances is done by the GST officer for inspection of goods. Also we also see detailed analysis of the Sections, Rules dealt with this and the summarized procedure of it with all forms.