The Government of India decides to reduce the Basic Excise Duty rate on Petrol and Diesel [both branded and unbranded] by Rs. 2 per litre with effect from 4th October, 2017;
owards this end, as a part of Government’s initiative towards E-governance, from this financial year, Income-tax Department has decided to deepen use of digital platform for conduct of scrutiny assessment proceedings. Accordingly, the pending scrutiny proceedings (getting barred by limitation in Financial Year 2017-18)
As we all know that Lok Sabha has passed the Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2017 on 27th July, 2017 which contains the major amendments where one of the major amendment is additional fees of Rs. 100 per day in case of delay in filing of annual return and financial statement with the specified time under Act.
Intimation- Till 30.9.17 [or extended period] Intimation- Before Starting Of Financial Year [2018- 19 on wards].
Real Estate Regulation Act which is useful for all promoters or allottees. This article Important for Practicing Company secretary because it is new area to develop their skill & enhance their knowledge.
As regards the ambit of the Act, there is no distinction between an ongoing project and a future project, i.e. both ongoing / incomplete projects and future projects are covered under the Act. Section 3(1) first proviso provides that promoters of all ongoing projects which have not received completion certificate will need to register their project with the Regulator Authority, within 3 months of its commencement.
Export of Goods and GST Export of goods means taking goods out of India to a place outside India. Export of goods regarded as zero rated supply under GST, meaning thereby there will be no burden of duties/taxes on exported goods at any stage of distributive chain starting from manufacturer stage to exporter stage. It […]
The issue of unauthentic or improper GST bills to the customers throughout the nation has caused a chaos.The loss due to the lack of awareness can be mitigated by spotting the difference between a real and a fake GST bill.
Vide the aforesaid Circular, Board had decided to constitute three – member Committees of Chief Commissioners and Commissioners, which will examine the proposals for write – off of irrecoverable arrears and recommend deserving cases to the authority competent to order such write – off in terms of the Boards Circular dated 21.9.1990.
In this Exposure Draft, IASB proposes to make minor amendments to IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements and IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors to clarify the definition of ‘material’.