CS Divesh Goyal Dear Professional Colleagues I am writing this article for the Members of Institute of Company Secretary of India. Information’s mentioned in this article taken from the Website of ICSI. GRANT OF CERTIFICATE OF PRACTICE WHO CAN BE PRACTICING COMPANY SECRETARY “PCS”? A member of the Institute of Company Secretary of India individually […]
Q1. Whether investment can be made in the name other than Company? No, Investment can’t be made in the name other than Company until compliance with the provisions of Section- 187 of Companies Act, 2013.
Many relaxations to private Company are not available to subsidiary of public Company. Many relaxations available to a private company are not applicable if that private company is subsidiary of another public Company. Thus, for all practical purpose, the private company is treated as a Public Company.
Post incorporation requirements are obligations which LLP are supposed to fulfill subsequent to incorporation. These include filing of annual returns, change of Partners/ Designated Partners, alteration in Contribution, and change of registered office.
Hosting of provisional Empanelment status of Chartered Accountant firms/LLPs with the O/o C&AG for the year 2015-2016
The Punjab VAT Tribunal in one of my cases namely Welspun Projects Limited vs State of Punjab Appeal No. 146 of 2014 decided on 27.04.2015, has quashed the penalty levied u/s 51 of Punjab VAT Act, 2005 on the roadside, as the same was levied without serving proper notice and thereby denying reasonable opportunity of being heard to the appellant.
Time taken to obtain all clearances to set up industry is core to measuring the ease of doing business. The Single Desk Policy aims to create a conducive ecosystem to provide all clearances required to setup industry within 21 working days. This shall be achieved by adopting following measures:
With the upgradation of technology, department is considering to expedite the registration process in the shortest possible time. Government of India is also pressing hard to accelerate the registration process under ‘Ease of Doing Business’ Campaign. It has now been decided to issue registration as per following procedure:-
Hereby extend last date of filing of online/hard copy of fourth quarter return for year 2014-15, in Form DVAT-16 ,DVAT-17 and DVAT-48 along with required annexure/enclosures to 15/05/2015.
Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) are commercial vehicles which combine the features of partnership and company form of business .The concept of Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) has been introduced in India by way of Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 (notified on 31st March 2008).