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Archive: 12 February 2015

Posts in 12 February 2015

Cenvat credit cannot be denied on Inputs forming ‘parts’ of final product

February 12, 2015 1313 Views 0 comment Print

Hero Honda Motors Ltd. (Assessee) is engaged in the business of manufacture of Motor Cycles. The Assessee availed Cenvat credit of mirror assembly, sari guard and tool kit (impugned goods) treating them as Inputs.

Demand cannot be confirmed merely based on statement of witness

February 12, 2015 1526 Views 0 comment Print

Bajrang Castings Private Limited (the Assessee) was engaged in manufacturing and sale of MS Ingots. During the course of searches, it was noted that the modus operandi of the Assessee was doubtful. It was alleged thatthe Assessee was availing Cenvat credit on the basis of Cenvatable invoicesfrom the registered dealers/ traders

Removal of Capital Goods after putting to use not amount to removal

February 12, 2015 1382 Views 0 comment Print

Pushpak Steels Pvt. Ltd. (the Appellant) was manufacturer of goods falling under Chapter 72 of the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985. The Appellant purchased an Electric Motor (impugned Capital Goods) from Crompton Greeves Ltd.under an invoice No. 357 dated January 9, 2003 on payment of Excise duty amounting to Rs. 1,32,280/-.

List of documents required for KYC verification by Authorised Couriers

February 12, 2015 5560 Views 0 comment Print

Representations have been received from the Express Industry Council of India highlighting problems faced in complying with the KYC norms. It has been represented that only one identification/ document instead of minimum two documents should be collected

FDI–Reporting under FDI Scheme on e-Biz platform

February 12, 2015 1066 Views 0 comment Print

The ADs will be required to access the e-Biz portal (which is hosted on the National Informatics Centre (NIC) servers) using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) Account obtained from NIC. The financial aspects for obtaining/using the VPN accounts is being finalised in consultation with Government of India, DIPP and NIC. The same will be informed in due course.

Import of Goods into India – Requirement of submitting request in Form A-1 for Payment withdrawn

February 12, 2015 5903 Views 0 comment Print

It has been decided to dispense with the requirement of submitting request in Form A-1 to the AD Category –I Banks for making payments towards imports into India. AD Category –I may however, need to obtain all the requisite details from the importers and satisfy itself about the bonafides of the transactions before effecting the remittance.

Indirect Tax Revenue Registers Increase of 7.4% During April-January 2015

February 12, 2015 462 Views 0 comment Print

Indirect Tax Revenue (Provisional) Collections Increase from Rs. 3,98,238 Crore in April-January 2014 to Rs. 4,27,822 Crore During April-January 2015; Registering an Increase of 7.4% During April-January 2015 Over the Corresponding Period in the Previous Year; Customs Collections Increase by 8.7 % While Service Tax Collections Increase by 8.3 % During the Same Period. 

No Penalty when Service tax been paid before issue of SCN

February 12, 2015 19939 Views 1 comment Print

During the course of audit it was revealed that Krishna Cylinders (Assessee)has not paid Service tax during the period from April 1, 2006 to March 31, 2007 on outward Goods Transportation services. However, on being pointed out by the audit team, the Assessee paid the entire amount of Service tax along with applicable interest.

Cenvat credit on invoices received prior to Service tax registration

February 12, 2015 6973 Views 2 comments Print

In the instant case, JP. Kenny Ltd. (the Appellant)availed Cenvat credit of Rs. 6,48,208/- on the invoices received prior to their Service tax registration and also availed Cenvat credit of Rs. 47,182/- on Housekeeping and Hotel services charges paid by them.

Providing manpower for searches etc. requisitioned by Investigation Directorates-regarding

February 12, 2015 811 Views 0 comment Print

It has been brought to the notice of the Board by certain Investigation Directorates that some of the Commissioners are not providing manpower to the Investigation Directorates for the purposes of conducting searches for one reason or the other.

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