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Archive: 05 January 2014

Posts in 05 January 2014

Non machine readable passports will be invalid from 2015

January 5, 2014 1073 Views 0 comment Print

The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) has set a deadline of the 24th November 2015 for globally phasing out all non-Machine Readable Passports (MRPs). From 25th November 2015 onwards, foreign Governments may deny visa or entry to any person travelling with a non-MRP passport.

Amendment to Section 40(a)(ia) is retrospective in nature

January 5, 2014 5563 Views 0 comment Print

High Court placed reliance on same bench ruling in CIT vs. Rajinder Kumar (ITA No. 65/2013) wherein it was held that “the amended Section 40(a)(ia) expands and further liberalises the statute when it stipulates that deductions made in the first eleven months of the previous year

CBEC Wake Up: Examined The Need To Review Rule 8(3A) of CER, 2002

January 5, 2014 5171 Views 1 comment Print

Rule 8(3A) of Central Excise Rules, 2002 stipulats that if an assessee defaults in payment of duty beyond thirty days from due date, the assessee shall not eligible to utilize cenvat credit for payment of duty and have to pay the duty consignment wise.

Will Income Tax Dept. look into following administrative issues?

January 5, 2014 712 Views 0 comment Print

Pending demands & increasing litigation are mainly arising due to the certain administrative lapses. An attempt has been made to list a few such issues which need to be looked into.

Will CBDT look into the following and allow Government to amend the tax law?

January 5, 2014 507 Views 0 comment Print

ection 55 (2)(b) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 provides the option to the assesse to consider the fair market value of capital assets as on the 1st day of April , 1981 as the cost of acquisition where the same were acquired before April 1, 1981. This base year has been in use since the last amendment made under the Finance Act, 1992.

Implication of Tax Accounting Standards (TAS)

January 5, 2014 5517 Views 2 comments Print

TAS are now meant to be the basis of computation of taxable income by a mere notification. As a result there would be amendments in the law without requiring amendments in the Act. One of the purpose of TAS is to harmonize the accounting standards issued by ICAI with the direct tax laws in India.

Leave assets for your heirs without any legal hassles

January 5, 2014 2673 Views 0 comment Print

Estate planning helps to decide about one’s heirs and also fix important details like when, how and in what proportion they are to receive inheritance. Making a will is the easiest and most common way of bequeathing your property. There are also other options like making a trust, gifting assets during one’s life time, family settlement, nomination, power of attorney.

NFRA – A threat to CA fraternity

January 5, 2014 7359 Views 0 comment Print

As per the proviso to Clause 132(4)(a) of Companies Bill, 2012,once the matter will be taken by NFRA, ICAI or any other body will have no say in it . This shows that ICAI will be treated as non-existent during the investigation and CA members will be at the sole mercy of the NFRA members.

NSDL SAM Application Gets Online – Generation of Form 27A

January 5, 2014 5907 Views 4 comments Print

With the release of new version of FVU NSDL has made a new begining by accepting e-TDS/TCS returns online from to-day.  New version of FVU now auto generates Form 27A in PDF. TIN_FCs would now be hard pressed to meet chalanges on Peak Days as the fate of server of NSDL would decide how fast one […]

FVU version 2.137 for quarterly e-TDS/TCS statement up to FY 2009-10

January 5, 2014 465 Views 0 comment Print

Key feature of FVU version 2.137 Deletion of deductee record: Feature to delete the deductee record has been discontinued. In case the user wishes to nullify a deductee record/ transaction, he is required to update the amount and related fields to “0” (zero) and add new record with updated values. Date of deduction: Date of […]

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