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Archive: 02 September 2013

Posts in 02 September 2013

RBI simplifies procedure of opening bank accounts for foreign students

September 2, 2013 760 Views 0 comment Print

It has been represented to us that foreign students arriving in India are facing difficulties in complying with the Know Your Customer (KYC) norms while opening a bank account due to non-availability of any proof of local address.

SEBI :The Securities Contracts (Regulation) (Stock Exchanges and Clearing Corporations) (Amendment) Regulations, 2013

September 2, 2013 496 Views 0 comment Print

The right of recognised clearing corporation(s) to recover the dues from its clearing members, arising from the discharge of their clearing and settlement functions, from the collaterals, deposits and the assets of the clearing members, shall have priority over any other liability of or claim against the clearing members.

Medical Treatment Abroad – IAS/IPS Officers gets benefit which was available to other services

September 2, 2013 4616 Views 0 comment Print

I am directed to refer to above mentioned subject and to say that it has been decided that the following concessions which are admissible to the Central Government servants under the Central Services (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1944, should be extended to members of the All India Services under AIS (Medical Attendance) Rules, 1954

e-KYC Service of UIDAI is valid process: RBI to banks

September 2, 2013 1213 Views 0 comment Print

In order to reduce the risk of identity fraud, document forgery and have paperless KYC verification, UIDAI has launched its e-KYC service. Accordingly, it has been decided to accept e-KYC service as a valid process for KYC verification under Prevention of Money Laundering (Maintenance of Records) Rules, 2005.

No Disallowance U/s. 40(a)(ia) For TDS Already Paid During The Year: HC

September 2, 2013 5573 Views 0 comment Print

Honorable Allahabad High Court approves the special bench judgment in the case of Merilyn Shipping and Transport Ltd. and held that disallowance u/s. 40(a)(ia) applies only to amounts ‘payable’ as of 31st March and not to amounts already ‘paid’ during the year.

Financial Sector Assessment Programme – Detailed Assessment Report for IOSCO and CPSS-IOSCO

September 2, 2013 896 Views 0 comment Print

SEBI would like to appreciate the effort and time that has been put in by IMF and World Bank team to assess the Indian securities market including the securities settlement systems and central counterparties in the securities markets. The third party assessments and suggestions like the ones provided by the FSAP are very important to us as it highlights areas that may contribute toward further improvement of the system.

Disclosure of names / addresses of Interview Board members may endanger their lives : SC

September 2, 2013 2542 Views 0 comment Print

The Bihar Public Service Commission (for short, ‘the Commission) published advertisement No.6 of 2000 dated 10th May, 2000 in the local papers of the State of Bihar declaring its intention to fill up the posts of ‘State Examiner of Questioned Documents’

No Section 14A / Rule 8D Disallowance of Interest If Income Exceeds Expenditure

September 2, 2013 4747 Views 0 comment Print

During the course of assessment proceedings, Assessing Officer noticed that Assessee has made investment in shares amounting to Rs. 95,45,400/-. Assessing Officer was of the view that the investment would generate exempt income and therefore provisions of section 14A becomes applicable.

Forms 15CA & 15CB changed again; no reporting of exempt income, no filing of form 15CB for certain payments

September 2, 2013 127805 Views 14 comments Print

Notification No. 67/2013 – Income Tax DATED 2-9-2013 Income-tax (14th Amendment) Rules, 2013 – Furnishing of information by the person responsible for making any payment including any interest or salary or any other sum chargeable to tax, to a non-resident, not being a company, or to a foreign company

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