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Archive: 08 May 2013

Posts in 08 May 2013

Public Notice No. 12 (RE-2013)/2009-2014, Dated: 08.05.2013

May 8, 2013 400 Views 0 comment Print

The details of existing PSIA at Sl.No.30 in Appendix-5 of Handbook of Procedures (Vol – I) as notified in Public Notice No.52 dated 28.3.2013 are amended / corrected to read as under

SEBI : Notification regarding establishment of Local Office of Board at Patna

May 8, 2013 460 Views 0 comment Print

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (4) of section 3 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (15 of 1992), the Board has established its Local Office at Patna under the administrative control of its Eastern Regional Office at Kolkata.

TP- Comparability of High End Cos with Low End Cos in ITES/ BPO Sector

May 8, 2013 1374 Views 0 comment Print

We also note that even in the case of comparables selected by the assessee details of which have been given in para 3 of the order earlier, there is wide fluctuation in the margins of the companies; the lowest margin i.e. 0.34% in case of Ask Me Info Hub Ltd. and the highest margin as 27.98% in case of Allsec Technologies Ltd. Obviously the cases selected by the assessee are not identical otherwise there would not have been so wide variation Excluding the highest margin and the loss case, the average margin of other comparables of the assessee comes to only 4.5% which is 1/6th of the highest margin.

Regarding Exemption of SAD on imports of brass scrap

May 8, 2013 648 Views 0 comment Print

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962), the Central Government, being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification of

Information A taxpayer can view in Form 26AS

May 8, 2013 8098 Views 0 comment Print

It is general phenomena amongst the tax payers that in form 26AS they can only view the details of TDS deducted, Advance tax and Self Assessment tax Paid.But in addition to these a taxpaer can view in 26AS the information on his income tax Refund and his transaction in Mutual Fund, Shares and Bonds, Immovable […]

Service tax Changes on Construction of complex, building, civil structure

May 8, 2013 13470 Views 0 comment Print

(a) for a residential unit satisfying both the following conditions, namely:– (i) the carpet area of the unit is less than 2000 square feet; and (ii) the amount charged for the unit is less than rupees one crore; (b) for other than the (a) above.

HC dismisses petition of CA alleging harassment by ITAT Members

May 8, 2013 2477 Views 0 comment Print

It is also pointed out that the Tribunal is delaying the matters of the petitioner or passing unreasoned orders or by totalling ignoring him. It is also pointed out that respondent No.2 was transferred out of Amritsar on a representation submitted by the petitioner but after one year respondent No.2 has been again posted as a Judicial Member of Amritsar Tribunal. The petitioner claims that the Members are totally prejudice against the petitioner on account of his having made a complaint against respondent No.2 to the President.

S. 37 Expenses on gifts distributed among members & staff in the course of business is allowable

May 8, 2013 6968 Views 0 comment Print

The stand of the revenue that expenditure incurred by the society on giving presents to as own members would amount to expenditure on itself or application of its income to its members also could not be countenanced as the society was entirely a separate entity

CL – Applicability of Regulation 17(6) in processing work items

May 8, 2013 1030 Views 0 comment Print

I am directed to convey, with the approval of the Competent Authority that, henceforth, under the provisions of Regulation 17(6) of the Company Regulation, 1956, ad-hoc work items may be created to extend the validity of the work item beyond the time limits prescribed under the Regulation by the ROC concerned.

ICAI to take action against students pursuing additional course in violation of its guidelines

May 8, 2013 3624 Views 0 comment Print

As you are aware, the Council of the Institute, under Regulation 65 of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988 has permitted Articled Assistants to pursue/attend, with prior permission to be obtained from concerned Decentralised offices

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