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Archive: 01 April 2012

Posts in 01 April 2012

Excel Tips – How to Automatically highlight maximum and minimum values?

April 1, 2012 2001 Views 0 comment Print

Conditional Formatting – Top/Bottom Rules- 1. Select the Range. 2. On the [Home] tab click [Conditional Formatting] à Top/Bottom Rules à Top 10 items…. 3. In the Top 10 items dialogue box specify the number of top items that you wish to highlight and the format for the same. Click

If immovable property is situated in India, gains also taxable in India

April 1, 2012 1204 Views 0 comment Print

he first question relates to taxability of amount received on release and relinquishment of tenancy rights, whereas, the second question relates to capital gains on sale of 596 shares and as such do not involve determination of fair market value. As regards the amount received on release of tenancy rights, the tenancy rights are in respect of real estate and would be gains derived from alienation of immovable property. As the immovable property is situated in India, the gains are taxable in India under Article 13.1 of the DTAA.

ITAT restricts disallowance u/s 14A for earning exempt dividend to 1% of dividend

April 1, 2012 1721 Views 0 comment Print

On the issue of disallowance u/s. 14A, this Bench of the Tribunal has been taking a consistent view that this disallowance should be restricted to 1% of dividend income. Following the same, in this appeal also we hold that the disallowance u/s 14A for earning exempt dividend income should be restricted to 1% of dividend income. The Assessing Officer is accordingly directed to do so and work out the quantum of disallowance. This ground of appeal of the assessee is allowed as directed above.

Prepare Form 16 for FY 2011-12 in Excel

April 1, 2012 4726 Views 0 comment Print

This File prepare Form 16 for 50 Employees in one go. All we have to do in enter the detail of salary of employees in input sheets and the software automatically prepares form 16 for up to 50 Employees. other benefits of the utility is as follows:-

How to Register with EPFO & FAQ

April 1, 2012 9729 Views 10 comments Print

EPFO Launches online receipt of Electronic Challan cum Return (ECR) from the Month of April 2012 (March paid in April). Employers are requested to Register their establishments and create their user id and password through this portal. The registered employers can upload the Electronic Return and the uploaded return data will be displayed through a digitally signed copy in PDF format. It will be available for printing also. Once approved by the employer online Challan will be popped based on uploaded return. The employer may choose to make the payment through internet banking of SBI or take a print out of the Challan and pay at any designated branch of State Bank of India (SBI).

Know /Check Your EPF Balance online

April 1, 2012 20169 Views 13 comments Print

How to Check Online Balance in Your Employee Provident Fund Account- Please click on the following link to know the balance in your EPF Account upto the date, the accounts are updated, which also includes the latest approved transactions of settlement/advances/transfer-in/transfer-out, if any. Select the EPFO office where your account is maintained and furnish your PF Account number. Leave the extension field blank, in case your account does not have one.

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