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Archive: 14 January 2012

Posts in 14 January 2012

Section 10A deduction is available to a new unit even though STPI approval refers to it as expansion of existing unit

January 14, 2012 3077 Views 0 comment Print

ACIT Vs. Symantec Software India P. Ltd. (ITAT Pune)- Based on the specific facts of the case, the Tribunal has reiterated that the fulfillment of the conditions of section 10A(2) is of utmost importance for claiming a deduction under section 10A. A reference to the new undertaking as expansion by the STPI would not dis-entitle the assessee from claiming a deduction under section 10A of the Act.

Income received by a foreign company for granting film distribution rights not ‘royalty’

January 14, 2012 3502 Views 0 comment Print

ADIT (IT) Vs. Warner Brother Pictures Inc (ITAT Mumbai)- even if income arises to the Non-Resident due to the business connection in India, the income accruing or arising out of such business connection can only be taxed to the extent of the activities attributed to permanent establishment. In this case, the assessee does not have any permanent establishment in India. Since the Indian company who obtained the rights is acting independently, Agency PE provisions are not applicable to the assessee company.

Loss arising on sale of shares of wholly owned subsidiary deductible as business loss

January 14, 2012 5450 Views 0 comment Print

DCIT Vs. Colgate Palmolive India Limited (ITAT Mumbai)- Camelot was a 100% subsidiary of the appellant and the appellant had deep business interest in Camelot. The main reason for setting up Camelot was to manufacture toothbrushes exclusively for the appellant. The appellant was relying upon Camelot for manufacturing of toothbrushes to be traded by the appellant. The entire investment in Camelot was made by the appellant only as a measure of commercial expediency to further its business objectives and were primarily related to the business operations of the appellant. At no point of time, the investments in Camelot was made or held with an intention to realize any enhancement in value thereof over a period of time or to earn dividend income. Rather the investments were made only to separately house an integral part of the business activity of the appellant, which essentially operated as a single unified business.

Rate applicable to LTCG cannot be applied for gain on depreciable asset

January 14, 2012 1853 Views 0 comment Print

ACIT Vs. SKF Bearings India Ltd. (ITAT Mumbai) – Sections 54EC and 74 refer to capital gain arising from the transfer of a long term capital asset and not with respect to a short term capital asset. Further, section 112(1 )(b)(i) and (ii) specifically refers to only long term capital gains. Hence, where section 50 by a legal fiction, deems the income earned from a depreciable asset as short term capital gain, applying the tax rate specified for long term capital gains in section 112(1) would not arise. On a plain reading of section 50, the excess shall be deemed to be the capital gains arising from the transfer of a short term capital asset. The beneficial rate of tax @ 20% would not be applicable to capital gains arising on transfer of depreciable asset even though the asset was held for more than thirty-six months

FAQ on New Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956

January 14, 2012 15332 Views 0 comment Print

What is the date of applicability of the New Schedule VI? The New Schedule VI is applicable to all companies for financial statements prepared for financial year commencing on or after 01.04.2011 except banking, insurance and electricity companies which are governed by their own reporting formats under the respective pronouncements.

Transfer Pricing – ITAT Explains Law On Adjusting For Differences In Comparables

January 14, 2012 6080 Views 0 comment Print

Dive into the case of Demag Cranes & Components vs. DCIT, exploring provisions of 10B(1)(e)(iii) of the Income Tax Rules and TP adjustments.

Procedure for Filing Income Tax Settlement Application- Admission, Validation and settlement of the Application

January 14, 2012 2367 Views 0 comment Print

Procedure for Filing Settlement Application Settlement application is to be filed only in the prescribed Form No.34-B notified under the Income Tax Rules, 1962. The form has to be signed by the applicant himself. The Form has to be properly filled up. An incomplete Form is liable to be rejected. In order to be admitted by the Commission, full amount of tax is to be paid alongwith interest payable till the date of admission The application can be made personally or by post. The applicant or his authorized representative can make application in person. Application can also be sent by registered post addressed to the Secretary. However in case of a postal application, the date of receipt in the Commission shall be treated as date of application.

Income Tax Settlement Commission – Frequently Asked Questions

January 14, 2012 2890 Views 0 comment Print

1. What is meant by Settlement in respect of tax disputes? How is it different from the appellate process? Settlement of disputes relating to Income Tax and Wealth Tax is based on the objective of dispute resolution Alternate. It is in the nature of mediation or arbitration. The Settlement orders passed by the Income Tax Settlement Commission are final and conclusive in nature.

Provisions of DTC Bill, 2010 relating to Settlement Commission

January 14, 2012 1586 Views 0 comment Print

1. Time-Limit – DTC has kept the time limit for passing final settlement orders under Section 245D(4) at 18 months, as in the IT Act, 1961, however has increased various internal time-limits as under:

Direct Tax Code- Proposed Changes in Transfer pricing regulations

January 14, 2012 1943 Views 0 comment Print

The issue of transfer price affects various types of taxes. Under Custom Laws, special valuation branch examines the validity of the transaction value between associated enterprises. In Service Tax law, service tax has been imposed on import of service through reverse charge method and it is expected that Service Tax department would like to examine the value of services imported (or exported) to associated enterprises. In Income Tax, it is transfer price mechanism which takes care of this situation.

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