How can the sale prices to wholesale agents in two different countries be comparable, when the sale price to the final user in the one country is less than the sale price to the whole sale agent in another country, unless adjustment for the same has been considered; thus, the adjustments merely for volume offtake, credit period and credit risk, though material are not sufficient to make the sale price to AE in Thailand comparable with the sale to unrelated party in Vietnam
Please refer to our circular RBI /2007 -08/225 (DGBA.GAD.No H-7633/ 41.07.006/2007-08) dated January 15, 2008 on the captioned subject. From January 22, 2008 onwards it was mandatory for all assesses to quote their assessee code in the GAR- 7 challan at the time of payment of excise duty or excise duty in the authorized bank branches.